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find Keyword "Corticosteroid" 17 results
  • Could Corticosteroids Be Used for Pulmonary Tuberculosis Combined with Tuberculous Meningitis and Tuberculous Pericarditis: An Evidence-based Treatment for a 14-year-old Boy

    Objective To formulate an evidence-based treatment for a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous meningitis and tuberculous pericarditis. Methods According to the principles of evidencebased clinical practice, we searched The Cochrane Library (Issue 2, 2008), Ovid-Reviews (1991 to 2008), MEDLINE (1950 to 2008), and http://www.guideline.org. to identify the best evidence for treating a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis combined with tuberculous meningitis and tuberculous pericarditis. Results Nine guidelines, 2 systematic reviews, and 11 randomized controlled trials were included. The evidence showed that corticosteroids could help reduce the risk of death and disabling residual neurological deficiencies in patients with tuberculous meningitis. After adjusting for age and gender, the overall death rate of patients with tuberculous pericarditis was significantly reduced by prednisolone (P=0.044), as well as the risk of death from pericarditis (P=0.004). But for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, there was still a controversy about the use of corticosteroids. Given the evidence, the patient’s clinical conditions, and his preferences, dexamethasone was used for the boy in question. After 7 weeks of treatment, his cerebrospinal fluid returned to normal and pericardial effusion disappeared. Conclusion  Corticosteroids should be recommended in HIV-negative people with tuberculous meningitis or/and tuberculous pericarditis. The difference in the effectiveness of various corticosteroids such as dexamethasone, prednisolone, or methylprednisolone and the optimal duration of corticosteroid therapy is still unknown.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:36 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Significance of Nitrite/Nitrate, Interleukin-4 and Interferon-gamma in Exhaled Breath Condensate of Asthmatic Patients

    Objective To examine the levels of nitrite /nitrate( NO2 /NO3 ) , IL-4 and IFN-γin exhaled breath condensates( EBCs) in patients with asthma, and to investigate the effect of corticosteroid treatment. Methods Forty patients diagnosed as mild to moderate asthma were recruited. Among them, twenty were newly diagnosed and steroid naive( non-treatment group) . The other 20 patients had been treated with corticosteroid treatment( treatment group) . Twenty healthy volunteers were enrolled as normal control.EBC samples were taken for measurement of NO2 /NO3, IL-4 and IFN-γlevels. Serum IL-4 and IFN-γ concentrations were also measured. Results NO2 /NO3 level in EBC of the non-treatment group was significantly higher than that of the normal controls and the treatment group[ ( 48. 55 ±27. 37) μmol / L vs( 24. 51 ±18. 22) μmol /L, ( 36. 06 ±25. 13) μmol /L, respectively, both P lt; 0. 05] , and no significant difference was found between the treatment group and the normal controls( P gt;0. 05) . The IL-4 and IFN-γ levels in both EBC and serum had no significant difference between the three groups ( all P gt; 0. 05) . Conclusion NO2 /NO3 in EBCs increases in asthmatic patients, and decreases after corticosteroid treatment. Whether IL-4 and IFN-γlevels can be used for reflecting airway inflammation need further study.

    Release date:2016-09-14 11:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Lung Cancer Chemoprevention of Inhaled Corticosteroids in COPD Patients

    COPD 和肺癌均为最常见的吸烟相关呼吸道疾病。吸入性糖皮质激素( ICS) 近年来被推荐用于重度COPD 的治疗, 同时也被发现在肺癌的化学预防中起重要作用。本文通过综述ICS、COPD 和肺癌之间的关系, 特别是吸入糖皮质激素在肺癌中的化学预防作用, 以期进一步明确ICS 在COPD和肺癌中的作用。

    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Role of Corticosteroids in the Treatment of Influenza A (H1N1)Infection


    Release date:2016-08-30 11:53 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical Study of Low Dose Corticosteroid Applied in Early Period after Lung Volume Reduction Surgery

    Objective To investigate the clinical significance of low dose corticosteroid applied in early period after lung volume reduction surgery(LVRS). Methods From Apr. 2001 to Mar. 2004, 27 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were undergone video-assisted unilateral LVRS assisted with mini-incision in our department were retrospectively reviewed. According to whether dispensed with postoperative corticosteroid or not, patients were divided into corticosteroid group and non-corticosteroid group. Corticosteroid group received dexamethasone 10mg iv tid for 3 days and then declined to prednisone 5mg qd for 7 days. Both groups were measured and compared the quantity of thoracic drainage flow, duration of chest tube drainage, the time of air leaks and fever, and so on. At same time, blood gas analysis and blood routine test were performed at 1, 3, 7 and 30 d after operation. Results Corticosteroid and non-corticosteroid groups had no statistically differences in the air leaks time (P 〉 0.05), but the quantity of thoracic drainage flow of corticosteroid group was lower than that of non-corticosteroid group evidently (700±210ml vs. 950±150ml, P = 0.001). There was significant difference in average duration of chest tube drainage between both groups (9±3 d vs. 12±2 d, P = 0. 05). Compared with non-corticosteroidgroup, PaO2 of corticosteroid group was higher at 1, 3d after operation (P〈0.05). The amount of blood leukocyte of corticosteroid group was lower than that of non-corticosteroid group at 3, 7d after operation, there was no statistically significant in two groups (P 〉 0. 05). At early period after surgery, both groups had no significant infection and death patient. Conclusion The low dose corticosteroid applied in early period after LVRS for short time(10 days in this research) could shorten the duration of chest tube drainage, decrease the quantity of thoracic drainage flow and the extent of inflammation in pleural cavity. In the mean time, this treatment does not increase the occurrence of significant complications during the early postoperative period, and there is no negative influence to the blood gas analysis.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:23 Export PDF Favorites Scan

    PURPOSE:To evaluate the activitv of protein kinase C(PKC) in response to retinal photochemical insult in rat. Furthermore, to investigate the effect of dexamethasone(DXM ) on PKC activity. METHODS :The experiments were performed on 48 SI') rats whieh were separated into two groups,control and treated groups,and the latter received daily intraperitoneal injections of DXM (1 mg/kg)for 5 consecutive days,starting 3 days before light exposure. The animals were continually exposed to green fluorescent light (510nm~560nm) with an illuminance level of (1 900plusmn;106.9)lx for 24 hrs.The retinal enzyme activity of PKC was tested at 6 hrs,1 day,3 days,7 days,and 14 days after light exposure respectively. RESULTS:In animal models,PKC activity showed a transient increase in both groups at 6 hrs after light exposure and then decrease persistently there alter. The activity of PKC was unresponsive to DXM intervention. CONCLUSIONS :These results suggested that the persistent lower PKC activity might result in disturbance of retinal function in rat retinal photochemical injury. (Chin J Ocul Fundus Dis,1997,13: 78-80)

    Release date:2016-09-02 06:12 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Preterm Birth

    截止至2002年5月,现有早产治疗的临床证据如下: (1) 高危早产:在一些国家实施的RCT发现,在降低早产危险方面,加强产前保健与普通产前保健没有明显差异.包括5个RCT的1个系统评价发现,对有宫颈改变的妇女行宫颈环扎术有不同的结果,没有明确的结论.1个大样本的RCT发现,孕9~29周宫颈功能可能不全的妇女进行预防性宫颈环扎手术与不环扎相比,能明显降低早产(<33孕周),但也会明显增加产褥感染的危险.另外4篇较小样本的RCT发现,孕10~30周、具各种早产高危因素的妇女,进行预防性宫颈环扎手术与不环扎相比,并不能降低早产(<34孕周).1篇系统评价的2个RCT报告,对有宫颈改变的妇女进行环扎术有不同的结果,其中1个RCT发现其并不能明显降低早产(<34孕周),而另外1个较小样本的RCT却发现宫颈环扎手术加卧床休息与单纯卧床休息比较,能明显降低34周前的早产.没有1个RCT证实行环扎术加卧床休息与单纯卧床休息相比,能降低围生儿死亡率. (2) 胎膜早破:1个系统评价发现,对胎膜早破的妇女,抗生素较安慰剂能明显延长孕周、降低新生儿发病率的危险,如新生儿感染、出生后氧疗、脑部超声异常等.阿莫西林加克拉维酸治疗与新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎的发生率明显增加有关.一个基于1个RCT的系统评价发现,没有充足的证据证实羊膜腔灌注与不灌注比较能改善胎膜早破后的新生儿结局. (3) 先兆早产的治疗:①β-肾上腺素兴奋剂:1个系统评价发现,β-肾上腺素兴奋剂与安慰剂或不治疗相比,并不能明显降低围生儿死亡率、呼吸窘迫综合征及低体重儿(<2 500 g)发生率,且与与安慰剂或不治疗相比,β-肾上腺素兴奋剂增加孕母副反应,如胸痛、心悸、呼吸困难、震颤、恶心、呕吐、头痛、高血糖、低钾血症.②钙离子通道拮抗剂: 没有关于钙离子通道拮抗剂与安慰剂比较的系统评价或RCT.1个系统评价发现,钙离子通道抑制剂与其它保胎药(主要是β-肾上腺受体兴奋剂)比较,能显著降低48 h内的早产分娩,减少因孕母副反应退出治疗和新生儿发病率.③硫酸镁:1个系统评价发现,硫酸镁与安慰剂比较,并不能明显降低孕36周前的早产率、围生儿死亡率、呼吸窘迫综合征的发生率.另一个系统评价发现,硫酸镁和其他宫缩抑制剂(β-肾上腺素兴奋剂、钙离子通道拮抗剂、前列腺素合成抑制剂、硝化甘油、酒精和葡萄糖注射剂)比较,并不能明显降低48 h内早产率(尽管结果没有差异).④垂体受体拮抗剂(阿托西班):1个系统评价纳入 2个RCT,对阿托西班和安慰剂治疗早产进行比较有不同的结果.较大样本的RCT发现,阿托西班较安慰剂能延长孕周,但阿托西班增加了孕28周以下的胎儿死亡率.另一个RCT发现,阿托西班增加了48 h内的早产.⑤前列腺素抑制剂(消炎痛):1个系统评价发现,消炎痛与安慰剂比较,能明显降低孕37周前的48 h和7天的早产率的证据有限.然而,同时发现消炎痛与安慰剂或不治疗相比,并不能明显降低围生儿死亡率、新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征、肺支气管发育不良、坏死性小肠结肠炎、新生儿败血症或低体重儿.但这个系统评价样本太小,尚不能发现有临床意义的差异. (4) 择期或非择期剖宫产对早产妇女治疗效果:1个系统评价结果发现,择期剖宫产较非择期剖宫产会增加孕母的发病率,却不能降低新生儿的发病率和死亡率.但尚不能证明此效果是否对新生儿有临床意义. (5) 改善早产妊娠结局的干预措施:①对早产者采用皮质类固醇:1个系统评价认为,对可能发生早产的妇女使用皮质激素较安慰剂或不处理能明显降低早产儿出生后呼吸窘迫综合征、新生儿死亡率和颅内出血的发生.②促甲状腺激素释放激素在早产中的运用:1个系统评价发现,在早产的高危妇女中,促甲状腺激素释放激素和类固醇激素联合应用与单用皮质类固醇激素比较,对新生儿结局的影响无明显差异,但会明显增加孕母和胎儿的不良反应.③抗生素:1个系统评价发现,抗生素与安慰剂比较,不能延长孕周、降低新生儿死亡率,但可降低孕母感染率.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis of the Age and Corticosteroid as the Risk Factors for Postoperative Cognitive Confusion in Intensive Care Unit

    Objective To analyze the risk factors for postoperative cognitive confusion in a surgical intensive care unit. Methods A total of 388 consecutive patients in Surgical Intensive Care Unit of General Hospital of PLA were retrospectively studied. We posed clinical questions according to the patients with older age and large dosage corticosteroid. Using “Postoperative cognitive confusion” and“Intensive Care” as key words, we searched for evidence from MEDLINE (1968-2004). Results We found 3.1% (10/388) of the patients developed postoperative cognitive confusion. Of the 10 postoperative cognitive confusion patients, 9 were over 65 years old. 6.6% (9/136) of the patients (≥ 65 years old) developed postoperative cognitive confusion. While 0.4%(1/252) of the patients (<65 years old) developed postoperative cognitive confusion. Older age (≥ 65 years old) may induce more postoperative cognitive confusion (P<0.05). While 7.0% (5/71) of the patients treated by large dose corticosteroids (≥1 000 mg) developed postoperative cognitive confusion. And 1.65% (5/317) of the patients received corticosteroid with large dosage (<1 000 mg) developed postoperative cognitive confusion. Large dosage corticosteroid (≥1 000 mg) may induce more postoperative cognitive confusion (P<0.05). Conclusion Older age (≥ 65 years old) and high dose corticosteroid (≥1 000 mg) may be the two main risk factors for postoperative cognitive confusion.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Effect of Curcumin Loaded mPEG-PLGA Nanoparticles on Reversing Corticosteroid Resistance Induced by Cigarette Smoke Extract in Macrophages RAW264.7

    ObjectiveTo prepare curcumin loaded monomethoxyl poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(lactic-co-glycolicacid) (mPEG-PLGA) nanopaticles (CUR-NPs), investigate the effect of curcumin (CUR) and CUR-NPs on reversing corticosteroid resistance induced by cigarette smoke extract (CSE), and compare biological function between CUR and CUR-NPs in macrophages RAW264.7. MethodsmPEG-PLGA nanoparticles loaded with CUR were prepared via emulsion solvent evaporation.In lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated macrophages RAW264.7, budesonide (BUD) was used to treat macrophages RAW264.7.In LPS and CSE stimulated macrophages RAW264.7, BUD (10-10-10-5 mol/L), CUR(10-10-10-5 mol/L), CUR(10-7 mol/L)+BUD(10-9-10-5 mol/L), CUR(10-9-10-5 mol/L)+BUD(10-7 mol/L), and CUR-NPs(10-9-10-5 mol/L)+BUD(10-7 mol/L) were respectively used to treat macrophages RAW264.7 activated.The level of IL-8 in cell culture supernatant was measured by ELISA.In CSE stimulated macrophages RAW264.7, CUR(10-7 and 10-6 mol/L) and CUR-NPs(10-7 and 10-6 mol/L) were used to treat macrophages RAW264.7.The mRNA level of HDAC2 was measured by real-time PCR, the protein level of HDAC2 was measured by Western blot.Cellular uptake of CUR and CUR-NPs in macrophages RAW264.7 was determined by cellular fluorescence intensity observed and detected by laser confocal microscopy imaging. ResultsThe morphology of CUR-NPs was spherical and the mean particle size was (356.4±146.6)nm.Compared with LPS stimulation, co-stimulation of LPS and CSE led to a significant decrease in the maximum inhibitory rate of BUD on IL-8 (P < 0.05) and a significant increase in the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of BUD on IL-8 (P < 0.05).When using LPS+CSE to stimulate, compared with BUD (10-10-10-5 mol/L) group, the maximum inhibitory rate of BUD in CUR (10-7 mol/L)+BUD (10-9-10-5 mol/L) group on IL-8 was significantly higher (P < 0.05) and the IC50 of BUD decreased significantly (P < 0.05).When using LPS+CSE to stimulate, CUR and CUR-NPs in 10-9, 10-8 and 10-7 mol/L concentration, the inhibitory rate of CUR-NPs+BUD (10-7 mol/L) on IL-8 was significantly higher than that of CUR+BUD (10-7 mol/L) (P < 0.05). CSE stimulation induced a significant decrease in the mRNA and protein expression of HDAC2. Compared with CSE group, the mRNA and protein levels of HDAC2 of CUR(10-7 and 10-6 mol/L) group and CUR-NPs(10-7 and 10-6 mol/L) group were significantly higher (P < 0.05).In 10-7 mol/L concentration, the mRNA and protein levels of HDAC2 in CUR-NPs group were significantly higher than those in CUR group.In 10-7 mol/L concentration, cellular uptake of CUR in CUR-NPs was significantly higher than the native CUR. ConclusionsCUR and CUR-NPs can reverse the corticosteroid resistance induced by CSE.CUR-NPs can improve the cellular uptake of CUR.In the case of low concentration, CUR-NPs have more biological activity than CUR.

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  • Systemic Corticosteroids for Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Objective To systematically evaluate the effect and safety of systemic corticosteroids for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods Databases including PubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library (Issue 6, 2015), Wanfang Data, CBM, CNKI were searched to collect randomized controlled trails (RCTs) about systemic corticosteroids for acute exacerbation of COPD from inception to July 2015. The meta-analysis was conducted using RevMan 5.3 software. Results A total of 11 RCTs involving 1298 patients were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that a statistically significant increase in the treatment success rate when using systemic corticosteroids (RR=1.11, 95%CI 1.01-1.21,P=0.02), and a non-significant difference of effect in the subgroup of emergency department and ICU patients (RR=0.98, 95%CI 0.90-1.08,P=0.74;RR=1.19, 95%CI 0.84-1.69,P=0.34). Conclusions Current studies suggest that systemic corticosteroids is beneficial in terms of treatment success rate, but subgroup analysis shows that this benefit is controversial in emergency department and ICU. however, due to the limited quantity of the included studies, the above conclusions still need more high quality research to be verified.

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