Ballistocardiogram (BCG) signal is a physiological signal, reflecting heart mechanical status. It can be measured without any electrodes touching subject's body surface and can realize physiological monitoring ubiquitously. However, BCG signal is so weak that it would often be interferred by superimposed noises. For measuring BCG signal effectively, we proposed an approach using joint time-frequency distribution and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) for BCG signal de-noising. We set up an adaptive optimal kernel for BCG signal and extracted BCG signals components using it. Then we de-noised the BCG signal by combing empirical mode decomposition with it. Simulation results showed that the proposed method overcome the shortcomings of empirical mode decomposition for the signals with identical frequency content at different times, realized the filtering for BCG signal and also reconstructed the characteristics of BCG.
Citation: YANGDan, XUBin, YELinlin, JINJingjing. De-noising Method Research of Ballistocardiogram Signal. Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 2014, 31(6): 1368-1372. doi: 10.7507/1001-5515.20140259 Copy
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