Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has become a common theraputic option for aortic stenosis, but the evidence for precise anatomy for TAVR is accumulating. This paper presents the case of an 71-year-old female patient who had an extremely high risk of coronary obstruction due to both coronary ostia lying too low. The patient underwent TAVR with the help of coronary protection successfully. During the procedure, the patient was protected with wires only for both coronaries. After deployment, angiofluoroscopy suggested that chimney stenting should be applied for left coronary. The whole procedure was unenventful and both coronaries were seen.
Citation: ZHU Bo, ZHONG Yi, XIA Meng, FAN Zhongcai. A case of transcatheter aortic valve replacement with right-&-left coronary protection. West China Medical Journal, 2022, 37(4): 491-495. doi: 10.7507/1002-0179.202203027 Copy