• Departerment of Neurology, the First Hospital of JilinUniversity, Changchun, 130000, China;
LINWeihong, Email: linweihong321@163.com
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Objective To investigate clinical features and progress in women with catamenial epilepsy. Methods The data obtained from retrospective study in 20 patients with catamenial epilepsy and reviewing published study of catamenial epilepsy. Results Seizures of all cases were relatived with the menstrual cycle. Seizures that only occured perimenstrually in 7 cases, 13 cases experienced exacerbation during this time. Only 2 of the 20 cases pointed to generalized sizures.12 of 18 cases which were partial seizures identified with complex partial seizures. Of 17 patients who had EEG results, 1 showed mild abnormal waves, 1 showed slow waves, 1 showed sharp waves, 1 showed spike and slow wave complex, 2 showed generalized polyspike and slow wave complex, 11 showed focal sharp waves,spike waves and spike and slow wave complex. All patients accepted 1 or more AEDs treatment.1 patient seizure free for 2 years after menopause, 2 cases of treatment were unclear, 5 cases had positive outcomes(4 cases seizure free for 1 and more years,1 case for 6 months), 12 cases were poorly controlled, especially 9 cases were refractory epilepsy. Conclusion It is found that catamenial epilepsy more commonly in facal and the rate of refractory epilepsy is higher. Treatment of catamenial epilepsy power with more samples, multi-center clinical trials.

Citation: CHENYanyan, LVXiaomin, SUNLichao, CHENYu, YANGDan, LINWeihong. Clinical features and progress of catamenial epilepsy-with 20 cases reported. Journal of Epilepsy, 2016, 2(6): 484-487. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.20160085 Copy

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