- 1. Department of Epilepsy and Sleep Disorders, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150000, China;
Event-related potentials (ERPs) are potential activities extracted from electroencephalogram (EEG) that are associated with specific stimuli. They possess the advantages of objectivity, ease of operation, and real-time reflection of cognitive processing in the brain. ERPs have been extensively utilized in studying pathophysiological mechanisms related to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease (PD), stroke, schizophrenia, and other conditions. Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder wherein ERPs can be employed to explore the neuroelectrophysiological causes underlying cognitive impairment, anxiety, and depression in patients with epilepsy while providing an objective assessment. This article reviews the application of ERPs in patients with epilepsy.
Citation: ZHONG Wenqiang, CHEN Xuelian, ZHU Yanmei. Research of the application status of event-related potentials in epilepsy. Journal of Epilepsy, 2024, 10(2): 133-140. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.202401003 Copy
Copyright © the editorial department of Journal of Epilepsy of West China Medical Publisher. All rights reserved
1. | Thijs RD, Surges R, O'Brien TJ, et al. Epilepsy in adults. The Lancet, 2019, 393(10172): 689-701. |
2. | Ding D, Zhou D, Sander JW, et al. Epilepsy in China: major progress in the past two decades. The Lancet Neurology, 2021, 20(4): 316-326. |
3. | Zhong R, Li M, Chen Q, et al. The P300 event-related potential component and cognitive impairment in epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in neurology, 2019, 10: 943. |
4. | Scott AJ, Sharpe L, Hunt C, et al. Anxiety and depressive disorders in people with epilepsy: a meta‐analysis. Epilepsia, 2017, 58(6): 973-982. |
5. | Sowndhararajan K, Kim M, Deepa P, et al. Application of the P300 event-related potential in the diagnosis of epilepsy disorder: a review. Scientia pharmaceutica, 2018, 86(2): 10. |
6. | Wang Z, Luo Z, Li S. Anxiety screening tools in people with epilepsy: a systematic review of validated tools. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2019, 99: 106392. |
7. | Gill SJ, Lukmanji S, Fiest KM, et al. Depression screening tools in persons with epilepsy: a systematic review of validated tools. Epilepsia, 2017, 58(5): 695-705. |
8. | 拉克, 洪祥飞, 刘岳庐, 编. 事件相关电位基础(第2版). 上海: 华东师范大学出版社, 2019: 4-9, 91-96. |
9. | Bourisly AK. Effects of aging on P300 between late young-age and early middle-age adulthood: an electroencephalogram event-related potential study. NeuroReport, 2016, 27(14): 999-1003. |
10. | Tomé D, Barbosa F, Nowak K, et al. The development of the N1 and N2 components in auditory oddball paradigms: a systematic review with narrative analysis and suggested normative values. Journal of neural transmission, 2015, 122: 375-391. |
11. | Chayasirisobhon WV, Chayasirisobhon S, Tin S N, et al. Scalp-recorded auditory P300 event-related potentials in new-onset untreated temporal lobe epilepsy. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 2007, 38(3): 168-171. |
12. | Donchin E, Coles MGH. Is the P300 component a manifestation of context updating?. Behavioral and brain sciences, 1988, 11(3): 357-374. |
13. | Fabiani M, Karis D, Donchin E. Effects of mnemonic strategy manipulation in a Von Restorff paradigm. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1990, 75(1-2): 22-35. |
14. | Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Lizio R, et al. Resting state cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's disease: toward EEG markers for clinical applications: a review. Supplements to Clinical neurophysiology, 2013, 62: 223-236. |
15. | Polich J, Ladish C, Burns T. Normal variation of P300 in children: age, memory span, and head size. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1990, 9(3): 237-248. |
16. | 郝道剑, 李哲, 董安琴, 等. 神经电生理技术在重症昏迷患者评估中的应用进展. 现代电生理学杂志, 2022, 29(1): 7. |
17. | Sun L, Zheng X, Liu C, et al. The detection of the negative effects of interictal epileptiform discharges on cognition: an event-related potential study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2019, 207(3): 209-216. |
18. | Mogi T, Tsunoda T, Yoshino A. Altered upright face recognition and presence of face inversion effect in temporal lobe epilepsy: an event‐related potential study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2019, 73(5): 269-276. |
19. | Pihlaja M, Failla L, Peräkylä J, et al. Reduced frontal Nogo-N2 with uncompromised response inhibition during transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation—more efficient cognitive control? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2020, 14: 561780. |
20. | Yam M, Glatt S, Nosatzki S, et al. Limited ability to adjust N2 amplitude during dual task walking in people with drug-resistant juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Frontiers in Neurology, 2022, 13: 793212. |
21. | Trimmel K, Sachsenweger J, Lindinger G, et al. Lateralization of language function in epilepsy patients: A high-density scalp-derived event-related potentials (ERP) study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017, 128(3): 472-479. |
22. | 黄家俊, 熊艳, 吴建平, 等. 事件相关电位 N400在新诊断特发性或隐源性青年癫痫患者认知功能障碍研究中的应用. 四川医学, 2022, 11(7): 43. |
23. | Titiz AS, Mahoney JM, Testorf ME, et al. Cognitive impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy: role of online and offline processing of single cell information. Hippocampus, 2014, 24(9): 1129-1145. |
24. | Hoffmann M. The human frontal lobes and frontal network systems: an evolutionary, clinical, and treatment perspective. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013, 13(2): 256-261. |
25. | Novak A, Vizjak K, Rakusa M. Cognitive impairment in people with epilepsy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, 11(1): 267. |
26. | Mazarati A, Maroso M, Iori V, et al. High-mobility group box-1 impairs memory in mice through both toll-like receptor 4 and receptor for advanced glycation end products. Experimental Neurology, 2011, 232(2): 143-148. |
27. | Lorigados Pedre L, Gallardo JM, Morales Chacón LM, et al. Oxidative stress in patients with drug resistant partial complex seizure. Behavioral Sciences, 2018, 8(6): 59. |
28. | Mishra P, Mittal AK, Rajput SK, et al. Cognition and memory impairment attenuation via reduction of oxidative stress in acute and chronic mice models of epilepsy using antiepileptogenic Nux vomica. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021, 267: 113509. |
29. | Mohseni‐Moghaddam P, Sadr SS, Roghani M, et al. Huperzine A ameliorates cognitive dysfunction and neuroinflammation in kainic acid‐induced epileptic rats by antioxidant activity and NLRP 3/caspase‐1 pathway inhibition. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 2019, 46(4): 360-372. |
30. | Holmes GL. Interictal spikes as an EEG biomarker of cognitive impairment. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2022, 39(2): 101-112. |
31. | Jeżowska-Jurczyk K, Jurczyk P, Budrewicz S, et al. Evaluation of event-related potentials in assessing cognitive functions of adult patients with epilepsy of unknown etiology. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, 12(7): 2500. |
32. | Casali RL, do Amaral MIR, Boscariol M, et al. Comparison of auditory event-related potentials between children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and children with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2016, 59: 111-116. |
33. | Picton T W. The P300 wave of the human event-related potential. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992, 9: 456-456. |
34. | Jiang Y, Hu Y, Wang Y, et al. Empathy and emotion recognition in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2014, 37: 139-144. |
35. | Jiang YB, Zhu MY, Yu F, et al. Impaired empathy in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy: an event-related potentials study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2020, 111: 107274. |
36. | Hingray C, McGonigal A, Kotwas I, et al. The relationship between epilepsy and anxiety disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2019, 21: 1-13. |
37. | Conway CR, Udaiyar A, Schachter SC. Neurostimulation for depression in epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2018, 88: 25-32. |
38. | Kwon OY, Park SP. Frequency of affective symptoms and their psychosocial impact in Korean people with epilepsy: a survey at two tertiary care hospitals. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2013, 26(1): 51-56. |
39. | De Taeye L, Pourtois G, Meurs A, et al. Event-related potentials reveal preserved attention allocation but impaired emotion regulation in patients with epilepsy and comorbid negative affect. Plos one, 2015, 10(1): e0116817. |
40. | Ioakeimidis V, Khachatoorian N, Haenschel C, et al. State anxiety influences P300 and P600 event-related potentials over parietal regions in the hollow-mask illusion experiment. Personality Neuroscience, 2021, 4: e2. |
41. | Du M, Peng Y, Li Y, et al. Effect of trait anxiety on cognitive flexibility: Evidence from event-related potentials and resting-state EEG. Biological Psychology, 2022, 170: 108319. |
42. | Kangas E S, Vuoriainen E, Lindeman S, et al. Auditory event-related potentials in separating patients with depressive disorders and non-depressed controls: a narrative review. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2022, 12(3): 456-460. |
43. | Wen QH, Liu Y, Chen HD, et al. Relationship Between Depression After Hemorrhagic Stroke and Auditory Event-Related Potentials in a Chinese Patient Group. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2022, 112: 1917-1925. |
44. | Wang L, Chen S, Liu C, et al. Factors for cognitive impairment in adult epileptic patients. Brain and Behavior, 2020, 10(1): e01475. |
45. | Miller L A, Galioto R, Tremont G, et al. Cognitive impairment in older adults with epilepsy: characterization and risk factor analysis. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2016, 56: 113-117. |
46. | Naganuma Y, Konishi T, Hongou K, et al. Auditory event-related potentials in benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spike: the effects of carbamazepine. Clinical Electroencephalography, 1994, 25(1): 8-12. |
47. | Tumay Y, Altun Y, Ekmekci K, et al. The effects of levetiracetam, carbamazepine, and sodium valproate on P100 and P300 in epileptic patients. Clinical neuropharmacology, 2013, 36(2): 55-58. |
48. | Kubota F, Kifune A, Shibata N, et al. Study on the P300 of adult epileptic patients (unmedicated and medicated patients). Journal of Epilepsy, 1998, 11(6): 325-331. |
49. | Šarić Jurić J, Jurić S, Marković I, et al. Effect of antiepileptic drugs on P300 event-related potentials in patients with epilepsy. Acta clinica Croatica, 2021, 60(Supplement 3): 39-43. |
50. | Videman M, Stjerna S, Wikström V, et al. Prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs and early processing of emotionally relevant sounds. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2019, 100: 106503. |
51. | Knight RT. Contribution of human hippocampal region to novelty detection. Nature, 1996, 383(6597): 256-259. |
52. | Murphy PR, Robertson IH, Balsters JH, et al. Pupillometry and P3 index the locus coeruleus–noradrenergic arousal function in humans. Psychophysiology, 2011, 48(11): 1532-1543. |
53. | Verleger R, Heide W, Butt C, et al. Reduction of P3b in patients with temporo-parietal lesions. Cognitive Brain Research, 1994, 2(2): 103-116. |
54. | Soltani M, Knight RT. Neural origins of the P300. Critical Reviews™ in Neurobiology, 2000, 14(3-4). |
55. | Hödl S, Carrette S, Meurs A, et al. Neurophysiological investigations of drug resistant epilepsy patients treated with vagus nerve stimulation to differentiate responders from non‐responders. European Journal of Neurology, 2020, 27(7): 1178-1189. |
56. | De Taeye L, Vonck K, van Bochove M, et al. The P3 event-related potential is a biomarker for the efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation in patients with epilepsy. Neurotherapeutics, 2014, 11: 612-622. |
57. | de Andrade Morange D, Laguitton V, Carron R, et al. Hippocampal intracerebral evoked potentials as a marker of its functionality in drug-resistant epilepsy. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 2022, 52(4): 323-332. |
58. | Kim JW, Brückner KE, Badenius C, et al. Face-induced gamma oscillations and event-related potentials in patients with epilepsy: an intracranial EEG study. BMC neuroscience, 2022, 23(1): 36. |
59. | Takeyama H, Matsumoto R, Usami K, et al. Secondary motor areas for response inhibition: an epicortical recording and stimulation study. Brain Communications, 2022, 4(4): fcac204. |
60. | Citherlet D, Boucher O, Tremblay J, et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory information processing in the insular cortex: an intracranial EEG study using an oddball paradigm. Brain Structure and Function, 2020, 225: 1537-1559. |
61. | Zhao C, Wang Y. The distinct roles of insular subareas in recognition memory: a stereo-electroencephalography study. Neuroreport, 2018, 29(6): 459-465. |
- 1. Thijs RD, Surges R, O'Brien TJ, et al. Epilepsy in adults. The Lancet, 2019, 393(10172): 689-701.
- 2. Ding D, Zhou D, Sander JW, et al. Epilepsy in China: major progress in the past two decades. The Lancet Neurology, 2021, 20(4): 316-326.
- 3. Zhong R, Li M, Chen Q, et al. The P300 event-related potential component and cognitive impairment in epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in neurology, 2019, 10: 943.
- 4. Scott AJ, Sharpe L, Hunt C, et al. Anxiety and depressive disorders in people with epilepsy: a meta‐analysis. Epilepsia, 2017, 58(6): 973-982.
- 5. Sowndhararajan K, Kim M, Deepa P, et al. Application of the P300 event-related potential in the diagnosis of epilepsy disorder: a review. Scientia pharmaceutica, 2018, 86(2): 10.
- 6. Wang Z, Luo Z, Li S. Anxiety screening tools in people with epilepsy: a systematic review of validated tools. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2019, 99: 106392.
- 7. Gill SJ, Lukmanji S, Fiest KM, et al. Depression screening tools in persons with epilepsy: a systematic review of validated tools. Epilepsia, 2017, 58(5): 695-705.
- 8. 拉克, 洪祥飞, 刘岳庐, 编. 事件相关电位基础(第2版). 上海: 华东师范大学出版社, 2019: 4-9, 91-96.
- 9. Bourisly AK. Effects of aging on P300 between late young-age and early middle-age adulthood: an electroencephalogram event-related potential study. NeuroReport, 2016, 27(14): 999-1003.
- 10. Tomé D, Barbosa F, Nowak K, et al. The development of the N1 and N2 components in auditory oddball paradigms: a systematic review with narrative analysis and suggested normative values. Journal of neural transmission, 2015, 122: 375-391.
- 11. Chayasirisobhon WV, Chayasirisobhon S, Tin S N, et al. Scalp-recorded auditory P300 event-related potentials in new-onset untreated temporal lobe epilepsy. Clinical EEG and neuroscience, 2007, 38(3): 168-171.
- 12. Donchin E, Coles MGH. Is the P300 component a manifestation of context updating?. Behavioral and brain sciences, 1988, 11(3): 357-374.
- 13. Fabiani M, Karis D, Donchin E. Effects of mnemonic strategy manipulation in a Von Restorff paradigm. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1990, 75(1-2): 22-35.
- 14. Vecchio F, Babiloni C, Lizio R, et al. Resting state cortical EEG rhythms in Alzheimer's disease: toward EEG markers for clinical applications: a review. Supplements to Clinical neurophysiology, 2013, 62: 223-236.
- 15. Polich J, Ladish C, Burns T. Normal variation of P300 in children: age, memory span, and head size. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1990, 9(3): 237-248.
- 16. 郝道剑, 李哲, 董安琴, 等. 神经电生理技术在重症昏迷患者评估中的应用进展. 现代电生理学杂志, 2022, 29(1): 7.
- 17. Sun L, Zheng X, Liu C, et al. The detection of the negative effects of interictal epileptiform discharges on cognition: an event-related potential study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 2019, 207(3): 209-216.
- 18. Mogi T, Tsunoda T, Yoshino A. Altered upright face recognition and presence of face inversion effect in temporal lobe epilepsy: an event‐related potential study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2019, 73(5): 269-276.
- 19. Pihlaja M, Failla L, Peräkylä J, et al. Reduced frontal Nogo-N2 with uncompromised response inhibition during transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation—more efficient cognitive control? Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2020, 14: 561780.
- 20. Yam M, Glatt S, Nosatzki S, et al. Limited ability to adjust N2 amplitude during dual task walking in people with drug-resistant juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Frontiers in Neurology, 2022, 13: 793212.
- 21. Trimmel K, Sachsenweger J, Lindinger G, et al. Lateralization of language function in epilepsy patients: A high-density scalp-derived event-related potentials (ERP) study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2017, 128(3): 472-479.
- 22. 黄家俊, 熊艳, 吴建平, 等. 事件相关电位 N400在新诊断特发性或隐源性青年癫痫患者认知功能障碍研究中的应用. 四川医学, 2022, 11(7): 43.
- 23. Titiz AS, Mahoney JM, Testorf ME, et al. Cognitive impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy: role of online and offline processing of single cell information. Hippocampus, 2014, 24(9): 1129-1145.
- 24. Hoffmann M. The human frontal lobes and frontal network systems: an evolutionary, clinical, and treatment perspective. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013, 13(2): 256-261.
- 25. Novak A, Vizjak K, Rakusa M. Cognitive impairment in people with epilepsy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2022, 11(1): 267.
- 26. Mazarati A, Maroso M, Iori V, et al. High-mobility group box-1 impairs memory in mice through both toll-like receptor 4 and receptor for advanced glycation end products. Experimental Neurology, 2011, 232(2): 143-148.
- 27. Lorigados Pedre L, Gallardo JM, Morales Chacón LM, et al. Oxidative stress in patients with drug resistant partial complex seizure. Behavioral Sciences, 2018, 8(6): 59.
- 28. Mishra P, Mittal AK, Rajput SK, et al. Cognition and memory impairment attenuation via reduction of oxidative stress in acute and chronic mice models of epilepsy using antiepileptogenic Nux vomica. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021, 267: 113509.
- 29. Mohseni‐Moghaddam P, Sadr SS, Roghani M, et al. Huperzine A ameliorates cognitive dysfunction and neuroinflammation in kainic acid‐induced epileptic rats by antioxidant activity and NLRP 3/caspase‐1 pathway inhibition. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 2019, 46(4): 360-372.
- 30. Holmes GL. Interictal spikes as an EEG biomarker of cognitive impairment. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2022, 39(2): 101-112.
- 31. Jeżowska-Jurczyk K, Jurczyk P, Budrewicz S, et al. Evaluation of event-related potentials in assessing cognitive functions of adult patients with epilepsy of unknown etiology. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, 12(7): 2500.
- 32. Casali RL, do Amaral MIR, Boscariol M, et al. Comparison of auditory event-related potentials between children with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and children with temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2016, 59: 111-116.
- 33. Picton T W. The P300 wave of the human event-related potential. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 1992, 9: 456-456.
- 34. Jiang Y, Hu Y, Wang Y, et al. Empathy and emotion recognition in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2014, 37: 139-144.
- 35. Jiang YB, Zhu MY, Yu F, et al. Impaired empathy in patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy: an event-related potentials study. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2020, 111: 107274.
- 36. Hingray C, McGonigal A, Kotwas I, et al. The relationship between epilepsy and anxiety disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports, 2019, 21: 1-13.
- 37. Conway CR, Udaiyar A, Schachter SC. Neurostimulation for depression in epilepsy. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2018, 88: 25-32.
- 38. Kwon OY, Park SP. Frequency of affective symptoms and their psychosocial impact in Korean people with epilepsy: a survey at two tertiary care hospitals. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2013, 26(1): 51-56.
- 39. De Taeye L, Pourtois G, Meurs A, et al. Event-related potentials reveal preserved attention allocation but impaired emotion regulation in patients with epilepsy and comorbid negative affect. Plos one, 2015, 10(1): e0116817.
- 40. Ioakeimidis V, Khachatoorian N, Haenschel C, et al. State anxiety influences P300 and P600 event-related potentials over parietal regions in the hollow-mask illusion experiment. Personality Neuroscience, 2021, 4: e2.
- 41. Du M, Peng Y, Li Y, et al. Effect of trait anxiety on cognitive flexibility: Evidence from event-related potentials and resting-state EEG. Biological Psychology, 2022, 170: 108319.
- 42. Kangas E S, Vuoriainen E, Lindeman S, et al. Auditory event-related potentials in separating patients with depressive disorders and non-depressed controls: a narrative review. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2022, 12(3): 456-460.
- 43. Wen QH, Liu Y, Chen HD, et al. Relationship Between Depression After Hemorrhagic Stroke and Auditory Event-Related Potentials in a Chinese Patient Group. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 2022, 112: 1917-1925.
- 44. Wang L, Chen S, Liu C, et al. Factors for cognitive impairment in adult epileptic patients. Brain and Behavior, 2020, 10(1): e01475.
- 45. Miller L A, Galioto R, Tremont G, et al. Cognitive impairment in older adults with epilepsy: characterization and risk factor analysis. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2016, 56: 113-117.
- 46. Naganuma Y, Konishi T, Hongou K, et al. Auditory event-related potentials in benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spike: the effects of carbamazepine. Clinical Electroencephalography, 1994, 25(1): 8-12.
- 47. Tumay Y, Altun Y, Ekmekci K, et al. The effects of levetiracetam, carbamazepine, and sodium valproate on P100 and P300 in epileptic patients. Clinical neuropharmacology, 2013, 36(2): 55-58.
- 48. Kubota F, Kifune A, Shibata N, et al. Study on the P300 of adult epileptic patients (unmedicated and medicated patients). Journal of Epilepsy, 1998, 11(6): 325-331.
- 49. Šarić Jurić J, Jurić S, Marković I, et al. Effect of antiepileptic drugs on P300 event-related potentials in patients with epilepsy. Acta clinica Croatica, 2021, 60(Supplement 3): 39-43.
- 50. Videman M, Stjerna S, Wikström V, et al. Prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs and early processing of emotionally relevant sounds. Epilepsy & Behavior, 2019, 100: 106503.
- 51. Knight RT. Contribution of human hippocampal region to novelty detection. Nature, 1996, 383(6597): 256-259.
- 52. Murphy PR, Robertson IH, Balsters JH, et al. Pupillometry and P3 index the locus coeruleus–noradrenergic arousal function in humans. Psychophysiology, 2011, 48(11): 1532-1543.
- 53. Verleger R, Heide W, Butt C, et al. Reduction of P3b in patients with temporo-parietal lesions. Cognitive Brain Research, 1994, 2(2): 103-116.
- 54. Soltani M, Knight RT. Neural origins of the P300. Critical Reviews™ in Neurobiology, 2000, 14(3-4).
- 55. Hödl S, Carrette S, Meurs A, et al. Neurophysiological investigations of drug resistant epilepsy patients treated with vagus nerve stimulation to differentiate responders from non‐responders. European Journal of Neurology, 2020, 27(7): 1178-1189.
- 56. De Taeye L, Vonck K, van Bochove M, et al. The P3 event-related potential is a biomarker for the efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation in patients with epilepsy. Neurotherapeutics, 2014, 11: 612-622.
- 57. de Andrade Morange D, Laguitton V, Carron R, et al. Hippocampal intracerebral evoked potentials as a marker of its functionality in drug-resistant epilepsy. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 2022, 52(4): 323-332.
- 58. Kim JW, Brückner KE, Badenius C, et al. Face-induced gamma oscillations and event-related potentials in patients with epilepsy: an intracranial EEG study. BMC neuroscience, 2022, 23(1): 36.
- 59. Takeyama H, Matsumoto R, Usami K, et al. Secondary motor areas for response inhibition: an epicortical recording and stimulation study. Brain Communications, 2022, 4(4): fcac204.
- 60. Citherlet D, Boucher O, Tremblay J, et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory information processing in the insular cortex: an intracranial EEG study using an oddball paradigm. Brain Structure and Function, 2020, 225: 1537-1559.
- 61. Zhao C, Wang Y. The distinct roles of insular subareas in recognition memory: a stereo-electroencephalography study. Neuroreport, 2018, 29(6): 459-465.