• Mianning Second People’s Hospital,Mianning Sichuan 615602,China;
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摘要:目的: 研究分析特殊饮食结构和生活习惯人群发生上消化道疾病的病种及发生率。 方法 :对1998年11月至2008年11月我院经胃镜检查的3661例患者进行统计,并参考饮食结构和生活习惯进行分析。 结果 :汉族调查2343例,彝族调查1318例:汉族患病率胃溃疡1626%、十二指肠溃疡858%、复合性溃疡098%、糜烂出血性胃炎1434%、胃癌、食道癌089%;彝族患病率胃溃疡2527%、十二指肠溃疡1282%、复合性溃疡25%、糜烂出血性胃炎1988%、胃癌、食道癌152%。 结论 :少数民族地区特殊饮食人群上消化道疾病发病率及胃、十二指肠溃疡的发生率和癌变比率明显增高。
Abstract: Objective: To study the structure of the special diet and the lifestyle of people who occurred the upper digestive tract diseases and disease incidence. Methods : From 199811 t0 200811,3661 cases in our hospital carryed out statistics and analysis with reference to diet and lifestyle. Results : Han people with 2343 cases, Yi people with 1318 cases, in Han people, the rate of ulcer was 1626%,858% of duodenal ulcer,098% of compound ulcer,1434% of erosive hemorrhage gastritis,089% of stomach and esophagus; in Yi people,2527% of gastric ulcer,1282% of duodenal ulcer,25% of compound ulcer,1988% of erosive gastritis hemorrhage,152% of stomach and esophageal cancer. Conclusion : The upper digestive tract diseases, the incidence of stomach, duodenal ulcer and cancer incidence rate increased significantly in special diet groups in ethnic minority areas.

Citation: WU Dingyuan.. Gastroscope Observation of 3661 Cases about Special Diet in Ethnic Minority Areas. West China Medical Journal, 2009, 24(10): 2659-. doi: Copy