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West China Medical Journal

Supervisor:Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Sponsor:Sichuan University
Editor-in-chief:LUO Fengming
Publishing period: Monthly ISSN:1002-0179 CN:51-1356/R


Congratulations to our six Chinese scientific journals being included in the CSCD database

After the quantitative selection of Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD) and the qualitative evaluation of experts, 6 Chinese scientific journals of our company have been included in the 2017-2018 CSCD source journal catalog.

Among them, "Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases", "Chinese Journal of Reconstructive and Reconstructive Surgery" and "Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine" are included in the core library, "Journal of Biomedical Engineering", "Chinese Journal of Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery" and "Chinese Journal of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Surgery" The Journal of Critical Care was included in the extended library.

"Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine" and "Chinese Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care" are the first to enter the core library and expansion library respectively.

