目的:了解2007年成都地区17家医院间心血管系统药物的使用状况。方法:采用限定日剂量(DDD)的方法,对成都地区2007年17家医院中心血管系统用药的销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)等进行统计分析。结果:2007年成都地区17家医院心血管系统用药总金额为13 753.86万元,占所有药物销售总额的9.05%。在金额排序和用药频度排序前列中,主要包括中药制剂、钙离子拮抗剂等,中药制剂类产品也销售状况良好。结论:中药制剂发挥巨大作用,依从性好、不良反应发生率低、疗效确切的药物已成为临床医师治疗心血管疾病的首选。
On September 18th, 2023, the American Heart Association published clinical management guidelines for patients with poisoning-induced cardiac arrest and critical cardiovascular illness in Circulation. Considering the important role of the guidelines in clinical practice, our team has divided them into three sections for detailed interpretation based on the different toxic effects of the drugs. This article is the second part of the interpretation, which combines the literature to interpret the recommendations related to cardiotoxic substance poisoning in the guidelines, mainly involving the clinical management of beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, digoxin and other cardiac glycosides, as well as sodium channel blocker poisoning, aiming to assist colleagues in their clinical practice through a detailed explanation of the key recommendations in the guidelines.