Objective To appraise the current situation of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on information of common-used digestive-related medicines afforded by medicine-salesmen. Methods RCTs on digestive-related medicines were assessed according to clinical epidemiologic standard. Results 60 medicines containing 252 therapeutic articles were searched and 75 RCTs were identified and assessed. Conclusion The qualities and quantities of RCTs of information on digestive-related medicines were of large difference, the RCTs afforded by the joint pharmaceutical enterprises are much better than those of foreign ones and domestic ones.
目的 了解2007年-2008年成都地区17家医院消化系统药物的使用状况。 方法 采用限定日剂量(DDD)的方法,对成都地区2007年-2008年17家医院消化系统用药的销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)等进行统计分析。 结果 2007-2008年成都地区17家医院消化系统用药总金额分别为12 527.89万元和16 446.21万元,居所有药物销售总额的第5位。在金额排序和用药频度排序中,抗溃疡药、肝病用药居于前列。 结论 消化系统药物的应用状态与同期的整体增长保持一致,相比上一年略有上涨。抗溃疡药中的质子泵抑制剂以其优异的性价比,引领着消化系统药物销售额的增长。