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find Author "王康武" 2 results
  • The Biological Basis of Pathological Changes of Distal Vessels in the Piglet Model of Congenital Heart Defect with Decreased Pulmonary Blood Flow

    Abstract: Objective To study the pathophysiological mechanism of the morphological change of immature pulmonary vessels in the piglet model of congenital heart defect with decreased pulmonary blood flow established with balloon atrial septostomy and pulmonary artery banding. Methods Twenty piglets at an age of one to two months were divided into three groups with random number table. For the control group (group C,n=6), small incisions were carried out on the right chest to produce a transient reduction in the pulmonary blood; for the lowmedium pulmonary artery stenosis group (group T1, n=7), the balloon dilator was delivered through the surface of the right atrium and septostomy and pulmonary artery banding were performed, and the systolic transpulmonary artery banding pressure (Trans-PABP) was controlled to be 20.30 mm Hg; For the severe pulmonary artery stenosis group (group T2, n=7), the same surgical procedures with group T1 were performed while TransPABP was controlled to be more [CM(159mm]than 3050 mm Hg.At 2 months after surgery respectively,a lung tissue of 1.0 cm×0.8 cm×0.8 cm from the lateral segment of the right middle lobe was taken out to be observed under optic microscope. The morphological change of the distal arterioles was detected. Furthermore, the content of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase2( MMP2) were also examined by the method of enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results The model was successfully established in all the survival piglets of the group T1 and group T2. Two months after operation, the inner diameter of the pulmonary arterioles in group T1 was significantly higher than that in group C (82.89±10.72 μm vs.74.12±9.28 μm;t=-5.892, Plt;0.05), so as group T2 (85.47±5.25 μm vs.74.12±9.28 μm;t=-6.325, Plt;0.05); the number of arterioles per square centimeter (NAPSC) of group T1 was significantly lower than that of the group C (229.70±88.00 entries/cm 2 vs. 431.50±40.60 entries/cm2; t=39.526, Plt;0.05), so as group T2 (210.00±40.30 entries/cm2 vs. 431.50±40.60 entries/cm2; t=67.858, Plt;0.05). Two months after operation, the lung expression of MMP -2 and VEGF in group T1 was significantly lower than that in group C (58.30±19.60 ng/ml vs. 81.20±16.70 ng/ml, t=14.261, Plt;0.05; 17.80±3.00 pg/ml vs. 21.40±3.80 pg/ml, t=8.482, P<0.05), so does group T2 (42.10±15.20 ng/ml vs. 81.20±16.70 ng/ml, t=27.318, P<0.05; 12.30±3.20 pg/ml vs. 21.40±3.80 pg/ml, t=15.139, P<0.05). Conclusion Structural remodeling of pulmonary extracellular matrix is an important feature of the piglet model of congenital heart defect with decreased pulmonary blood flow. The arterioles show significant hypoplasia or degradation. Change in the structural proteins and cytokines during the reduction of blood in the lung is the key to structural remodeling.

    Release date:2016-08-30 06:03 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 改良Nissen手术在滑动性食管裂孔疝治疗中的应用

    目的评价改良Nissen手术在滑动性食管裂孔疝治疗中的应用价值。 方法回顾性分析自2001年6月至2013年5月蚌埠医学院第一附属医院52例滑动性食管裂孔疝经手术治疗患者的临床资料,其中男27例、女25例,平均年龄62.13(35~84)岁。所有患者术前均行上消化道X线钡餐造影、胃镜检查确诊为滑动性食管裂孔疝,均行改良Nissen手术,即胃底上提至贲门口上方2~3 cm,包绕双层缝合固定食管180°,并置于膈肌下方。分别于术后3个月、6个月、9个月在平卧头低位下行消化道X线钡餐检查,并长期随访,以评价手术效果。 结果本组均顺利完成手术,无手术死亡,患者术前存在的食管下括约肌松弛和胃酸反流,术后均明显改善。术后平均住院时间9(5~11)d。52例患者术后2周内复查上消化道X线钡餐检查,无胃食管反流。所有患者均随访,随访时间2个月至10年。除1例术后半年并发食管狭窄外,其余患者均恢复顺利,症状消失,营养及发育好转。随访期间无复发。 结论改良Nissen手术是治疗滑动性食管裂孔疝的有效方法,加强食管下段高压区,折叠胃及贲门口置于膈肌下方,不仅能使胃还纳腹腔,同时还有抗反流的效果。

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