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find Author "马继韬" 3 results
  • Feasibility Analysis of Organ Donation after Cardiac Death in China

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Questionnaire Analysis of Attitude Towards Organ Transplantation and Donation in Inpatients

    Objective To get the information about the cognition and attitude towards organ transplantation and donation in inpatients. Methods The inpatients were investigated by using a self-designed questionnaire,including general data,cognition and attitude towards organ transplantation and donation. The influence factors of organ transplantation and donation were analyzed by SPSS 18.0. Results A total of 1 000 questionnaires were delivered,973 returned,the effective questionnaire was 906,and the effective rate was 93.1%. In 906 valid questionnaires,788 (87.0%) patients knew organ transplantation;189 (20.9%) patients had transplanted relatives;511 (56.4%) patients were willing to accept the organ transplant surgery,226 (24.9%) patients did not want,169 (18.7%) patients did not know;490 (54.1%) patients agreed to donate organ,173 (19.1%) patients disagreed,243 (26.8%) patients did not know. The age,education,occupation,knowing organ transplants,and with organ transplanted relatives or not had significant influences to the willingness towards organ transplantation and donation (P<0.01). The gender had no effect on organ transplantation (P=0.727) and donation (P=0.935) concerned issues,but the age,education,knowing organ transplantation,and with organ transplanted relatives or not had significant influences on it (P<0.01). Most concerned factors about organ transplantation were as follows:with an available organ for transplantation 〔28.7% (260/906)〕,postoperative quality of life 〔23.0% (208/906)〕,risk of surgery 〔21.5%(195/906)〕,surgery costs 〔19.5% (177/906)〕,and postoperative rejection 〔7.3% (66/906)〕. Most concerned factors about organ donation were as follows:the reasonable usage of donated organs 〔57.4% (520/906)〕,attitude of relatives 〔23.8% (216/906)〕,and donation compensation 〔17.6% (159/906)〕,and others 〔1.2% (11/906)〕. According to the way of organ donation,403 (44.4%) patients were willing to accept donation after cardiac death (DCD),257 (28.4%) patients accept donation after brain death,246 (27.2%) patients accept living organ donation. The gender,education,and occupation had significant influences on the way of organ donation (P<0.05),but age,knowing organ transplantation,and with organ transplanted relatives or not had no effects on it (P>0.05). Conclusions The lack of propaganda and the high costs of transplantation surgery are the main factors restricting the acceptance rate of organ transplantation. Over time,with continuous improvement of universal education and strengthening the publicity of organ transplantation,the acceptance rate will show a constant increase in the trend. By now,the most accepted way of organ donation is DCD in inpatients. The establishment of a reasonable organ allocation and compensation system is a corner stone to promote organ donation.

    Release date:2016-09-08 10:37 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnosis and Treatment for Acute Graft Versus Host Disease after Liver Transplantation (Report of 2 Cases)

    目的 探讨肝移植术后早期并发急性移植物抗宿主疾病(GVHD)的诊断和治疗。方法 回顾性分析我院2006年5月至2007年10月期间行肝移植手术50例,其中2例术后并发GVHD,分析该2例肝移植术后第14 d和第18 d以出现不明原因发热、皮疹、口腔多发溃疡、全血细胞减少、皮肤病理活检等临床资料为诊断依据和以不同的免疫抑制剂治疗的方案。结果 第1例患者加强免疫抑制剂治疗,发生败血症于术后67 d死于多器官功能衰竭; 第2例减少免疫抑制剂治疗,术后96 d治愈。结论 肝移植术后并发GVHD,减少免疫抑制剂方案可能是一种有效方案,但应警惕急性排斥反应和继发感染发生。

    Release date:2016-09-08 11:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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