Four hundred and eighty two paients suffering from intrahepatic bile duct stone undergoing lobectomy and segmental resection (from 1975 to 1994,9) has reported. 63% of the patient in this group underwent 1-5 operations, including different types of biliary-intestinal anastomosis (21.6%). 482 cases underwent different types of hepatectomy, including left lateral-lobetomy 321 cases (66.6%),left hemihepatectomy 80 cases(16.6%), right hemihepatectomy 19 cases (3.9%), and multiple segmental resections 39 cases (8.1%, including Ⅴ+Ⅷ 11 cases, Ⅵ+Ⅶ 28 cases). Other type hepatectomy combined with guadrate lobectomy 20 cases (4.1%). Postoperative complication rate was 10.2%, including diliary fistula. hemobilia and subdiaphragmatic and resectional surface infectioin, 85% of the patients were followed up with an excellent result of 88%. The authors emphsize that hepatic lobectomy nad segmental resection is the core of treatment and selection of operative methods depends on clinical-patholigic types of the disease.