This is the first successful case expriences,a method of the procurement of the fetal cadavertic multiple argans for transplantation of the pancreas and thyroid-pararthyroid glands was produced. The liver,pancreas,duodenum,spleen,and both kidneys were harvested en bloc by a group of surgeons,and the right hem-ithyroid-parathyroid glands with pedicle of thd blood vessels wre removed by another group.The pancreas together with the spleen were transplanted to a patient having diabetes mellitus. The thyroid-parathyroid glands were given to another case with bypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism.Both cases had good results.This method had dicreased the warm ischemia of the transplants,and could provide liver,pancreas,spleen,kidneys and thyroid-parathyroid glands to solve the problem of shortage of fetal organs.