The debate on the cell of origin of human retinoblastoma lasted for more than one century. In the recent issue of ldquo;cellrdquo;, David Cobrinikprime;s group shows that L/M cone precursors are the most likely answer as they have an intrinsic circuitry, including murine double minute 2 (MDM2), Nmyc, the nuclear receptors retinoid X receptor and thyroxine receptor 2, making them extremely sensitive to transformation following retinoblastoma gene inactivation.
Despite its low incidence, retinoblastoma and its rela ted gene (Rb gene) have attracted some of the most brilliant minds in medicine and biology fi elds over the past years. Great advances have been achieved in the tumoregenesis mechanism and clinical management of retinoblastoma recently. However as always , more questions arise from those results. In order to improve retinoblastoma re search in China, we need to strengthen the communication and cooperation with di ffe rent countries, different institutes and disciplines, and utilize the great reso urces of retinoblastoma patients in China.