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find Keyword "Mindfulness meditation" 1 results
  • Research status and analysis of mindfulness meditation regulating insomnia

    As a common public health problem, insomnia has brought a serious social burden. In recent years, with the rapid development of sleep medicine, mindfulness meditation has gradually emerged in the field of insomnia as a new non-drug therapy. This article will review the current status of insomnia treatment, the related concepts, principles of regulating insomnia, intervention methods, and application in different insomnia groups of mindfulness meditation, and summarize the current problems of mindfulness meditation in regulating insomnia through literature analysis. It aims to raise the attention of medical staff to insomnia, promote the development of localized mindfulness meditation theory in China, provide new ideas for insomnia management, and further improve the sleep quality of the population.

    Release date:2021-05-19 02:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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