本文旨在介绍如何进行知证卫生决策的组织方法。促进研究与实践结合的一系列活动包括:与决策者高度相关的研究证据的生产和恰当的合成,促进研究与实践结合的诸多努力,以及对其的评估。几乎没人知道如何更好地开展此类系列活动,直到最近才有很少几个机构专门负责研究利用证据制定卫生政策。为此本文通过提出5 个问题来指导开展机构措施以支持研究证据在知证卫生决策中的使用:① 您所在机构进行知证决策的能力是什么? ② 应采用什么策略确保决策者、研究者和利益相关者之间的合作? ③ 应采用什么策略确保研究的独立性和有效管理利益冲突? ④ 应采用什么策略确保使用系统和透明的方法获取、评价和利用研究证据?⑤ 应采用什么策略以确保有足够能力运用这些方法?
The development of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines is a sophisticated and systematic process, often requiring multidisciplinary efforts. The traditional approach to developing and updating clinical practice guidelines is usually time-consuming. These limitations obstacle the effective use of guideline recommendations and efficient transformation of most recent research evidence into practice. The MAGIC system is a novel method system for rapid creation and dissemination of high-quality clinical recommendations, including rapid creation of trustworthy recommendations, thus ensuring the scientific and efficient production of clinical practice guidelines; facilitating rapid dissemination and dynamic updating of clinical practice guidelines through recommendation release system (i.e., MAGICapp); and helping promote the production of relevant high-quality original research evidence by identifying the insufficiency of evidence in the process of creation of guideline recommendations. Ultimately, a complete closed-loop digital and trustworthy evidence ecosystem is developed. In order to further promote the effective transformation of research evidence into guideline recommendations, MAGIC China Center was established. We anticipate that the Center will assist the further development and effective use of clinical practice guideline in China.