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find Keyword "Retinopathy" 80 results
  • Safety of inhalation anesthesia in preterm children of different corrected gestational ages undergoing ocular fundus examination

    Objective To observe the systemic inhalation anesthetic effects of preterm children with different gestational ages under ocular fundus examination, and to assess its safety. Methods Fifty-one preterm children with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) were included in the study. These kids were divided into 2 groups, group Ⅰ included 24 kids with a corrected gestational age of 33 to <44 weeks, and group Ⅱ included 27 kids with a corrected gestational age of 44 to 64 weeks. The preterm months were same (t=-1.3.P>0.05), but the body weights were different (t=-10.5.P<0.05) between these two groups. Anesthesia was induced by inhalation of 6% sevoflurane, and the period from the beginning of inhalation to disappearance of body movement was the induction time. 6% sevoflurane was inhaled continuously for another period of the induction time, and then the concentration of sevoflurane was adjusted to a maintenance concentration. The initial maintenance concentration was 3%, and was adjusted by 0.5% each time. Sequential method was used to determine the subsequent maintenance concentration. If the preceding patient had not moved during the maintenance period, the sevoflurane concentration was decreased by 0.5% for the next patient. If the preceding patient had moved during the maintenance period, the sevoflurane concentration was increased by 0.5% for the next patient. Respiratory depression and cough during the induction and maintenance period, duration of anesthesia and recovery time were recorded. Choking and vomiting during drinking or milk-feeding in one hour after the ocular fundus examination were also recorded. Results The effective inhale concentration in 50% patient of sevoflurane was 2.5% in group Ⅰ, 2.9% in group Ⅱ. The average maintenance concentration was (2.5plusmn;0.5)% in group Ⅰ, (3.0plusmn;0.5)% in group Ⅱ. The difference was statistically significant (t=-3.3.P<0.05). The average duration of anesthesia and the average awake time were the same (t=0.04 and -1.0 respectively.P>0.05) between these two groups. The average induction time was significantly shorter in group Ⅰ than in group Ⅱ, the difference was statistically significant (t=-4.9.P<0.05). All patients were successfully completed the ocular examination. No respiratory depression or cough occurred during and after the examination. No choking and vomiting during drinking or milkfeeding in one hour after the ocular fundus examination. Conclusion Anesthesia with inhaled sevoflurane by a face mask is safe for preterm outpatients undergoing fundus examination.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on factors influencing for results of laser treatment of zone one retinopathy of premature

    Objective To observe the factors influencing for results of laser treatment of zone one retinopathy of premature(ROP). Methods  The clinical data of 35 patients(69 eyes)with ROP in zone one who diagnosed by examination of indirect ophthalmoscopy were retrospectively analyzed. The eyes were divided into anterior zone one(49 eyes )and posterior zone one(20 eyes). The 69 eyes, aggressive posterior ROP(AP-ROP)in 12 eyes, anterior zone one in four eyes and posterior zone one in eight eyes. The laser photocoagulation of diode indirect ophthalmoscopy with +20 D lens and sclera compressor were used to entire avascular retina. Followup ranged from two to 48 months with the mean of (10.85plusmn;11.35 )months. Take the cristae fadeaway and stable condition as cure; retinopathy proceed to the stage 4 and 5 ROP as retinopathy progress. Results  Forty-two out of 69 eyes (60.87%) were cured and retinopathy progress in 27 eyes (39.13%). Thirty-four out of 49 eyes (69.38%) with anterior zone one were cured and retinopathy progress in 15 eyes (30.61%); eight out of 20 eyes (40.00%) with posterior zone one were cured and retinopathy progress in 12 eyes (60.00%). The difference of progress rate between anterior and posterior zone one was statistically significant(chi;2=5.15, P<0.05).Conclusions Laser photocoagulation is effective for treatment of zone one ROP, the prognosis of anterior zone one is better than posterior zone one; retinopathy progress after photocoagulation was associated with extent of fibrovascular organization.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:40 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical study on the effect of polycythemia on retinopathy of prematurity

    Objective To explore the effect of polycythemia on retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods The clinical data of 262 premature cases was analyzed retrospectively in Xi'an Children Hospital from January 2005 to January 2009. Polycythemia was found in 46 cases (17.56%), including 27 males and 19 females. In 216 infants without polycythemia (82.46%), 155 were male and 61 were female. The difference of the birth weight (t=0.730, P=0.466), gestational age (t=1.603,P=0.110), oxygen inhalation numbers (chi;2=0.04,P>0.90) and times (t=1.225,P=0.223), and concentration (t=1.823,P=0.071) between polycythemia group and no polycythemia group were not significant. In order to diagnose ROP, the ocular fundus of all premature infants was examined with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope,and the stage of ROP was assessed.Results In all the premature infants,ROP was found in 120 cases (45.80%). In 46 cases of polycythemia, ROP was found in 25 cases (54.34%); in 216 infants without polycythemia, ROP was found in 95 cases (43.98%); the difference of ROP incidence between the two groups was not significant (chi;2=1.64, Pgt;0.1).In 120 ROP patients, 104 cases (86.67%) with ROP<3 stage and 16 cases (13.33%) with ROP ge;3 stage were found. In 25 ROP patients with polycythemia, 18 cases (72.00%) with ROP <3 stage and 7 cases (28.00%) with ROP ge;3 stage were found. In 95 ROP patients without polycythemia, 86 cases (90.53%) with ROP <3 stage and 9 cases (9.47%) with ROP ge;3 stage were found. The difference of the incidence of ROP <and ge;3 stage between the two group was significant (chi;2=4.38, Plt;0.05). In 120 cases of ROP, prethreshold retinopathy was found in 106 cases (88.33%), while threshold and post-threshold retinopathy was in 14 cases (11.67%). In 25 ROP patients with polycythemia, prethreshold retinopathy was found in 19 cases (76.00%), and threshold and post-threshold retinopathy was in 6 cases (24.00%).In 95 ROP infants without polycythemia, pre-threshold retinopathy was found in 87 cases (91.58%),while threshold and post threshold retinopathy was in 8 cases (8.42%).The difference of the incidence of ROP with prethreshold, and threshold and post-threshold retinopathy between the two groups was not significant (chi;2=3.27,P>0.05).Conclusion Polycythemia may not affect the incidence of ROP,but impact on the severity of ROP.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Morphological development of premature retina: a study with an indirect ophthalmoscopelinked imaging system

    Objective To observe the characteristics of morphological development of premature retina at 33-46 weeks of gestational corrected age (GCA). Methods A total of 268 premature infants were divided into 7 groups according to the GCA (33-34,35-36,37-38,39-40,41-42,43-44 and 45-46 weeks). The ocular fundus of those infants were recorded and analyzed by an indirect ophthalmoscopelinked imaging system. Results As GCA increases, noticeable macular morphological changes occurred and recorded in 96% of infant at 45-46 weeks of GCA. Retinas were gradually vascularized at 41-42 weeks (nasal retina) or 43-44 weeks (area Ⅲ,temporal retina), and pigmented in 84% of infant at 45-46 weeks of GCA. Conclusion Macular morphological patterns, retinal blood vessels and pigments continue to develop in postnatal premature infants.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:41 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Long term followup of the comparison between combined surgery and sequential surgery in treating proliferative diabetic retinopathy

    Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy and postoperative complications of combined surgery and sequential surgery in treating proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and cataract. Methods The cilinical data of 59 patients (66 eyes) with PDR were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were divided into combinedsurgery group and sequential surgery group. Combined surgery was performed on patients with obvious lens opacity which was an obstacle to the ocular fundus surgery, while sequential surgery was performed on the patients with transparent lens or lens with light opacity on which ocular fundus surgery could be performed. Lens excision in cataractopoiesis could only be performed when the state of ocular fundus was stable and cataractopoiesis was the main cause of vision damage. A total of 28 patients (32 eyes) in combinedsurgery group underwent vitrectomy combined with phacoemulsification and IOL implantation; 31 patients (34 eyes ) in sequentialsurgery group underwent vitrectomy, lens excision and IOL implantation. Corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and complications were observed. The mean followup period was (25plusmn;8.5) months. The measurement data were analyzed with t test and enumeration data with 2 test. Results In combinedsurgery group, visual acuity improvement was achieved in 27 eyes (84.4%), remained unchanged in 2 eyes (6.3%)and decreased in 3 eyes (9.4%). In sequentialsurgery group, visual acuity improved in 26 eyes (76.5%), remained unchanged in 2 eyes(5.8%)and decreased in 6 eyes(17.7%.). However, anterior chamber fibrin exudation occurred in 4 eyes in the combinedsurgery group and no eyes in the sequentialsurgery group; compared with each other, the difference is statistically significant (chi;2=4.524,P=0.033). Conclusion Combined surgery and sequential surgery are all safe and effective on treating PDR and postoperative complications have no obvious correlation with the surgery procedure.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:42 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Widefield digital pediatric retinal imaging systemassisted photoc oagulation for retinopathy of prematurity

    Objective To observe the therapeutic efficacy of widefi eld digita l pediatric retinal imaging system (RetCam II)assisted photocoagulation on ret in opathy of preamturity (ROP). Methods The clinical data of 30 p atie nts (58 eyes) with threshold ROP or prethreshold type I ROP were retrospectively analyzed. The nonperfusion area underwent semiconducting photocoagulation wit h 532 nm under indirect binocular ophthalmoscope. In 30 patients, prethreshold ty pe 1 ROP was found in 36 and threshold ROP was in 19; missed area after cryotherapy in other hospital was observed in 3; Zone 1 ROP was in 8 and z one 2 ROP was in 50. Fiftyfour eyes (93.1%) underwent onetime photocoagulat i on and 4 eyes (6.9%) underwent a second. Ocular fundus was examined by RetCam II before and after operation. The missed area after cryoth erapy was at once supplemented during surgery. The followup duration was 3-11 m onths (average of 5.5 months). Results Fiftyfour eyes which had under gone onetime photocoagulation had good result 1-3 weeks after surgery and the disease was controlled. In 4 eyes which had undergone t he second photoco agulation, the disease alleviated after the operation in 2 and local posterior t ractional retinal detachment occurred in 2. At the end of followup duration, u n favorable retinal structural outcome was observed in 2 eyes (3.4%). Con clusion R etCam IIassisted photocoagulation can avoid missed area during the operation, enhance successful rates of first photocoagulation and reduce unfavorabl e retinal structural outcome rates.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Vitrectomy with closed triple incisions for stage 4 or 5 retinopathy of prem aturity

    Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of v itrectomy with closed triple incisions on stage 4 or 5 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods The clinical data of 32 eyes of 26 infants with stage 4 or 5 ROP who un derwent vitrectomy with closed triple incisions from Jan. 2003 to Jan. 2007 were retrospectively analyzed. The 26 infants included 18 males and 8 females, with the gestational age of 27-35 weeks (average 29.4 weeks) and the birth weight of 960-2200 g (average 1434.6 g). The age at the operation was 50-705 days with t he average of 158.3 days. In these 32 eyes, stage 5 ROP was in 13, stage 4 ROP was in 19 (stage 4A in 10 and 4B in 9) in which 11 eyes underwent indirectophthal m oscope photocoagulation because of threshold and type 1 prethreshold ROP and 1 eye underwent cryotherapy again with the disease developing into stage 4 or 5. T he entrance of vitrectomy was closed triple incisions. The lens were saved in 11 eyes and removed in 21 eyes. The followup duration was 2-24 months and the c ondition of retinal reattachment was observed. Results The procedures of operative therapies on 26 affected infants ran smooth. In the 19 eyes at stage 4 ROP, the retina reattached completely in 10 at stage 4A (100%), in which macular traction at optic disc was in 3, remained proliferative membran e in front of the optic disc, in front of the nasal retina and at the peripheral area of the temporal side was found in 4, few vitreous hemorrhage after the ope ration was in 1 which was absorbed 2 weeks later, and cataract after the operati on was in 1; in 9 eyes at stage 4B, retina reattached completely in 6 (66.7%), m acular traction at optic disc was in 1, and retina remained detached in 3 with v itreous hemorrhage after the operation including 2 eyes with anterior chamber he morrhage. In 13 eyes at stage 5, retinal reattached completely in 3 (23.1%) in w hich scars in the peripheral retina, thin retinal vessels and pale optic disc wa s found in 2 and retinal rumple at the temporal side was found in 1; retina reat tached mostly in 1 eye (7.7%) with retinal proliferative membrane and slight re t inal detachment at the nasal side; retina remained detached in 7 eyes. Conclusion Vitrectomy with closed triple incisions for stage 4 ROP may lead the retina l reattachment effectively, but the therapeutic effect is not good on the infant s with stage 5 ROP.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Prognosis after vitreoretinal surgery for retinal detachment in patie nts with retinopathy of prematurity

    Objective:To evaluate the clinical effects of vitrectomy on total retinal detachment in patients with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Methods:The clinical data of 73 eyes of 56 patients with total retinal detachment in ROP (stage 5) who had undergone vitrectomy were retrospectively analyzed. The age o f the patients when underwent the surgery was 384 months old with the average o f (13.02plusmn;14.64) months. The gestation age ranged from 25 to 36 weeks with the average of (29.5plusmn;2.22) weeks; the birth weight ranged from 900 to 2500 g wit h th e average of (1400.19plusmn;300.05) g; the oxygeninhaling time ranged from 2 to 9 0 days with the average of (20.53plusmn;18.91) days. The surgery included open vitr ectom y, closed lens extraction, and vitrectomy. The anatomical outcomes of retinal re attachment were categorized as success: macular reattachment; partial success: macular detachment; and failure: total retinal detachment.Results:After the operation, the anatomical outcome was succeed in 10 eyes (13.69%), partially succeed in 20 eyes (27.39%), and failed in 43 eyes (58.9%). The visual acuity was hand moving in 9 eyes (12.33%), and the grating acuity was better than 0.004 in 6 e yes (8.21%) after the surgery.Conclusions:The procedures of vitrectomy for retinal detachment in ROP is difficult, and the prognosis of the operative therapy is poor. After t he operation, only a few patients get retinal reattachment, and few have certain extent recovery of the visual acuity.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Analysis on incidence of retinopathy of prematurity and its risk factors in Beij ing

    Objective To determine the incidence of and risk fact ors for retino pathy of prematurity (ROP) among preterm infants in Beijing after implementation of the ROP guidelines. Methods The preterm infants with birth weight le; 2000 g or gestational age le; 3 4 weeks who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care units in 6 hospitals in Beijing from Jan. 1, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2005 were screened. Ophthalmologic examin ations started 3-4 weeks after birth and ROP was classified by the revised Inte r national Classification. Maternal and perinatal risk factors of occurrence of R OP were analyzed. Results In the 639 infants who had been scre ened in the 6 ho spitals, ROP was detected in 69 (10.8%), in whom 23 infants (39 eyes) (3.6%) had type 1 ROP and underwent photocoagulation. The lower the birth weight and small er the gestational age was, the higher the incidence of ROP was. Logistic regres sion analysis indicated that low birth weight, apnea gt;20 seconds, anemia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and placenta abruption were the high risk factor of R O P.Conclusion In Beijing the incidence of ROP is 10.8% after i mplementation of the ROP guidelines. Low birth weight, apnea gt;20 seconds, anemia, hypoxicischem ic encephalopathy and placenta abruption were the high risk factor of ROP.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Characteristics of images of ocular fundus obtained by computerassisted imagin g system of binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy in the healthy premature infants a nd the ones with retinopathy of prematurity

    Objective To observe the characteristics of images of ocular fundus obtained by computer-assisted imaging system of binocular indirect ophthalmosco p y (CABIO) in the healthy premature infants and the ones with retinopathy of prem aturity(ROP), and evaluate the value of the clinical practice of CABIO in ROP s creening. Methods From January, 2006 to December, 2006, we exa mined 150 prematur e infants in ROP screening procedure by using the computerassisted imaging sys t em of binocular indirect ophthalmoscope, beginning at the infantsprime;age of postn a tal 4-6 weeks or the corrected age above 32 weeks. The follow-up duration was co nfirmed according to the first examination results. The procedure of the operati on was recorded and the typical pictures were shot to obtain the images of the o cular fundus of the healthy premature infants and the ones with ROP. The charact eristics of the images were retrospectively analyzed and compared. Resu lts The typical images of normal ocular fundus and that with ROP in the 150 premature i nfants were successfully obtained by indirect ophthalmoscope. In normal fundus o f infants, the color of optic disc was pale, peripheral retina was not completel y vascularized and presented gray-tone in color;while all stages of ROP present ed dif ferent appearances under the indirect ophthalmoscope. Conclusions Computer-ass isted imaging system of the binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy can clearly observ e the characteristics of normal ocular fundus of premature infants and the ocula r fundus with ROP, and can save the objective examination results, which may pro vide significant references in screening and treating ROP.

    Release date:2016-09-02 05:46 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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