Abstract: Objective To invest igate the early and m iddle2long term clinical outcome of surgical t reatment for pulmonary th romboembo lism (PTE). Methods The data of 57 cases of surgical t reatment fo r pulmonary embolism from O ctober 1994 to O ctober 2007 in A nzhen Ho sp italw ere analyzed ret ro spect ively, of w h ich 47 casesw ere ch ronic PTE done w ith pulmonary th romboendarterectomy, and 10 w ere acute PTE done w ith pulmonary embo lectomy. Results There w ere 6 (12. 8%) perioperat ive death s in ch ronic PTE and 4 (40. 0%) death s in acute PTE (P =0.030). F ifteen cases suffered w ith residual pulmonary hypertension and 25 casesw ith severe pulmonary reperfusion injury. The pulmonary artery systo lic p ressure (PA SP) and the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR ) of 41 cases with ch ronic PTE at 72 hours after surgery w ere low ered significant ly than tho se befo re surgery (52. 9±26. 1 mmHg vs. 91. 2±37. 4 mmHg; 410. 3±345. 6 dyn?s/ cm5 vs. 921. 3±497. 8 dyn?s/ cm5). The arterial oxygen saturat ion (SaO 2) and the arterial part ial p ressure of oxygen (PaO 2 ) at 72 hours after surgery w ere h igher significant ly than tho se befo re surgery (94.8% ±2.7% vs. 86.7% ±4.3%; 84. 4±5. 4 mmHg vs. 51. 8±6. 4 mmHg, P lt; 0. 05). With the fo llow -up of 44. 6±39. 3 month s (cumulat ive fo llow -up w as 160. 1 pat ient-years) of the 47 perioperative survivo rs, there w ere 5 late death s, of w h ich 4 ch ronic PTE and 1 acute PTE. A cco rding to Kap lan-Meier survival curve, the 5 years survival rate w as 89. 43%±5. 80% fo r ch ronic PTE and 83. 33%±15. 21% fo r acute PTE (Log rank test= 1.57, P = 0. 2103). The lineal bleeding rate related to ant icoagulat ion w as 1. 25% pat ient-years, and the lineal th romboembo lic rate related to ant icoagulat ion w as 0. 62% pat ient-years. A nd of the 42 mid-long term survivo r, the heart funct ion in 29 cases w as N ew Yo rk Heart A ssociat ion (NYHA ) class I , 10 cases NYHA class II , 3 cases N YHA class III. A cco rding to logist ic regression, the risk facto rs fo r the early death w ere acute PTE (OR = 3.28, peripheral type of PTE (OR = 2. 45) , unadop t ive of deep hypertherm ia and circulato ry arrest (OR = 2.86) ; and the risk facto rs fo r late death w ere peripheral type of PTE (OR = 2. 69) , lower limb edema p rep rocedure (OR = 2.79). Conclus ion The operat ive mo rtality in acute PTE is significant ly h igher than that in ch ronic PTE, and the mid-long term survival rate is agreeable in bo th acute and ch ronic PTE, and the comp licat ions rate related to ant icoagulat ion is relat ively accep table.