摘要:目的:探讨临床教学的全程制度化管理及其效果。方法:通过健全组织,完善制度,加强教学、临床及实习生管理、建立激励机制等措施,进行全程制度化的规范管理。结果:教学质量显著提高,不良事件鲜见,无恶性事件发生。近来医院已有6篇教学论文公开发表,4个先进集体和8名先进个人受到医院表彰,5名优秀带教教师和8名实习生受到各学院奖励。结论:临床教学全程制度化管理是提高教学质量的切实有效途径。Abstract: Objective: To investigate system management during the entire clinical teaching process and its effect. Methods: To robust organization, perfect rules, strengthen management of clinical teaching and intern student, and establish encouragement mechanism,and other measures, so as to conduct standard system management during the entire process. Results: Quality of teaching improved notably, bad event was scarce, no malignant event occurred. There were six teaching articles issued publicly, four advanced collectives and eight advanced individuals had been praised by hospital, and five excellent teachers,eight intern students had been rewarded by each college. Conclusion: System management during the entire clinical teaching process is an effective way to improve teaching quality.