NNT defines the number of patients who need to be treated in order to achieve one additional favorable outcome, and NNH is defined as the number of patients who must be treated with a therapy in order to have one additional patient suffer an adverse effect compared with the control treatment. This is the most important thing that should beconsidered before administering a treatment. NNT can also be used to assess the relative benefit or harm in the comparison of intervention versus positive control. If the effect is smaller in the intervention group than that in the control group, NNT should be used; if the effect is bigger in the intervention group than that in the control group, NNH should be used. When comparison is made between an intervention versus placebo, NNT and NNH are absolute outcomes; when an intervention is compared to a positive control, NNT and NNH are relative outcomes. RR or OR or RD may help to judge which comparator has bigger or smaller effect, and whether NNT or NNH should be used.
摘要:目的:总结胸心血管外科慢性伤口换药的经验。方法:2008年11月2009年4月我科共发生12例手术切口裂开病例,使用贝复济喷洒创面,藻酸钙敷料填塞创面,外用二层敷料固定,根据渗液情况决定更换敷料的频率,高渗出时每天更换,中等渗出时每2天更换,少量渗出时每3天更换。结果:本组12例患者,11例患者伤口均达到二期愈合,平均愈合时间为(12±2)天,另外1例转烧伤科行植皮术,后愈合。结论:通过联合使用贝复济和藻酸钙敷料,使本组病例的渗出减少,创面肉芽生长迅速,伤口疼痛减轻或消失,伤口周围皮肤免受浸渍,伤口快速愈合。Abstract: Objective: To introduce the methods of using streptogenin spray and the alginate dressing on Cardiac wound disruption. Methods: Our department had 12 cases of wound disruption from the November 2008 to the April 2009, We sprinkled the streptogenin spray to wound, then filled wound with the alginate dressing, finally fix wound with gauze and adhesive tape.According to the volume of the exudation, we decided how often to change the dressings. When the exudation volume was high ,We changed the dressing every day; While medium, We changed every two days ; When low ,We changed every three days. Results:Eleven 11 of 12 wounds got second phase of healing, the average healing time was (12±2) days. Conclusion: Using of the Streptogenin spray and the alginate dressing on disruption wound can reduce the exudation volume and wound pain, meanwhile it can progress the growth of granulation , so the wounds healed quickly.