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Journal of Epilepsy

Supervisor:Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China Sponsor:Sichuan University
Editor-in-chief:ZHOU DONG
Publishing period: Bimonthly ISSN:2096-0247 CN:51-1762/R


About Journal

Predecessor of the Journal
Introduction of the Journal
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Predecessor of the Journal

Epilepsy is an emerging discipline that has been differentiated in recent decades. It is a cross-discipline closely related to neurology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, imaging, and electrophysiology. Due to the complexity of the etiology and diagnosis of epilepsy, the diversity and difficulty of treatment methods, and the wide range of medical and social fields involved, the development of this discipline has attracted great attention both domestically and internationally. At the same time, epilepsy is a common neurological disorder with a serious disease burden. The establishment of "Journal of Epilepsy" is conducive to strengthening academic exchanges in the field of epilepsy research in our country. The establishment of "Journal of Epilepsy" will fill the gap in the lack of high-level magazines in the field of epilepsy in our country, provide international and domestic leading academic information to experts who interested in clinical diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, and enrich the knowledge of basic-level doctors on epilepsy professional continuing education. At the same time, this professional, standardized and high-level academic exchange platform will allow epilepsy experts to exchange diagnosis and treatment experience, exchange research results, further activate the academic atmosphere of epilepsy, promote scientific research in the field of epilepsy in our country.


Introduction of the Journal

Journal of Epilepsy ( ISSN 2096-0247, CN 51-1762/R), published bimonthly, is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal, sponsored by Sichuan University, under the charge of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. Journal of Epilepsy was established in 2015 and indexed in CNKI, WANFANG Data, etc.


Discipline Coverage

Journal of Epilepsy is a journal providing a forum for the publication of high quality papers on all aspects related to epilepsy, which including basic research, practical management of epilepsy, neuroimaging, therapeutic trials, case report, social and psychological burden, ect. Journal of Epilepsy aims at providing a forum to share the latest research progress on epilepsy, and committed to facilitating and invigorating a robust and successful pipeline for improved human health science in the field of epilepsy.


Abstracted/indexed in

CNKI Database





