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Journal of Biomedical Engineering

Supervisor:Sichuan Association for Science and Technology Sponsor:West China Hospital, Sichuan University; Sichuan Society of Biomedical Engineering
Editor-in-chief:LI Hong
Publishing period: Bimonthly ISSN:1001-5515 CN:51-1258/R


Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

Manuscript types: article, new techniques and methods, review

Manuscript submission


5.1 All manuscript should be submitted online via our website (www.biomedeng.cn). Submission via mail or Email will not be considered. For submission, all authors should register in the system. Corresponding author(s) and one contacting author should be appointed. Manuscript should be submitted as guided by our step-by-step instruction. At least two reviewers should be suggested when a manuscript is submitted.


Manuscript preparation

5.2 Manuscript should be prepared with clear point of view and logistics, supported by trustable data and expressed in concise language. Manuscript for initial submission should be in Song-style (for Chinese) or Times New Roman (for English), 1.5 times spaces and one column. Figures and tables should be clear, concise and well-ordered. Tables must be in three-line style. The title of figures or tables must contain both Chinese and English versions, while only Chinese can be used for contents in figures or tables. Information about funding supports and corresponding authors should be put in the footnotes of the first page.


5.3 Articles should include these contents:


Author and affiliation information

Abstract (about 200 words for Chinese and no less than 250 for English)

Key words

(contents listed above should be in both Chinese and English)

Main text



References (no less than 30 references)


5.4 Review should contain no less than 35 references, and no less than 80% of which should be published in recent 3 year. One of the authors should be appointed for proofreading.


5.5. Terminologies and symbol must be used properly, with explicitdiscrimination between regular and italic, superscript and subscript, capitals and low-cases, English and Greek, Arabic numbers and Roman numbers, etc. Variable should be in italic, constant and function name should be in regular, matrix and vector symbols should be in black and italic. Symbols in subscript should also be properly used as mentioned above. At the first appearance of an English abbreviation, its full Chinese and English phrase should be given, after which only Chinese full-phrase or English abbreviation should be used and kept in constant.

5.6 Reference style must conform to the National Standard of PRC (GB/T 7714-2015). All references should be numbered according to the order they appear in the main text, and cited in brackets in superscript.


