• Chongqing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing 400042, China;
LUOXing-jian, Email: lxj_01@163.com
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Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and geographical distribution of Keshan disease in Chongqing city for prevention and disease control. Methods We collected the clinical data of patients with Keshan disease from 2008 to 2012 in Liangping, Shizhu, Fengdu and Dianjiang counties as well as Wanzhou district of Chongqing city including the medical history, physical examination, results of laboratory tests to analyze the clinical characteristics and geographical distribution. Results Fifty-eight patients were included from Liangping (n=21), Shizhu (n=25), Fengdu (n=11) and Dianjiang (n=1). The number of patients with potential and chronic Keshan disease was 16 and 42, respectively. The average age of patients was 54.91±15.53 years. The proportion above age 60 was 32.76% and below age 10 was 3.45%. The patients had main clinical signs as heart enlargement (36.76%), low-weak first heart sound (22.41%), systolic murmur (10.34%), arrhythmia (8.62%), etc. Abnormal ECG detection rate was 98.28%, with common types followed by sinus rhythm (37.93%), complete right bundle branch block (25.86%), ST-T changes (24.14%), left ventricular hypertrophy (15.52%), atrial fibrillation (13.79%), occasional ventricular premature (10.34%), T changes (10.34%), sinus bradycardia (8.62%), and incomplete right bundle branch block (6.90%). X-ray results showed that heart enlargement accounted for 82.76%. The ratios of mild, moderate and significant expansion of the heart were 46.55%, 27.59%, and 8.62%, respectively. Conclusion In recent years, most patients with Keshan disease in Chongqing are chronic type at older age. The main clinical symptom is heart enlargement with high abnormal ECG detection rate.

Citation: WUCheng-guo, HUANGWen-li, LUOXing-jian, LIXin-shu, XIAOBang-zhong. Keshan Disease in Chongqing City during 2008-2012: Clinical Characteristics and Geographical Distribution. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2014, 14(3): 265-267. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.20140046 Copy

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