• School of Nursing, Fudan University, Fudan University Centre of Evidence-based Nursing: a JBI Center of Excellence, Shanghai 200032, P.R.China;
HU Yan, Email: huyan@fudan.edu.cn
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This paper introduces the background, significance, definition and types of clinical audit and describes five stages of clinical audit, including preparing for clinical audit, selecting criteria, measuring performance and sustaining improvement. This paper also introduces the international and national status quo of implementing clinical audit in nursing practice and describes the reporting guideline for articles of clinical audit. Finally, this article suggests that providing methodological training and creating a supportive environment are crucial strategies to promote the implementation of clinical audit and bridge the gaps between evidence and practice.

Citation: ZHOU Yingfeng, HU Yan, XING Weijie, ZHU Zheng, CHEN Yu. Promoting evidence-based clinical audit for continuous improvement of clinical quality. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2020, 20(6): 621-627. doi: 10.7507/1672-2531.202001003 Copy