• Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery, China PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China;
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Objective  To explore the influence of cirrhotic portal hypertension and its complications on liver transplantation.
Methods  The literatures of the recent years on influence of hepatic cirrhotic portal hypertension on liver transplantation were reviewed.
Results  Splenomegaly, hypersplenism, portal vein thrombosis, portosystemic shunt and collateral flow in cirrhotic patients will increase the difficulty of liver transplantation and lead to more postoperative complications. Appropriate handling of these conditions can achieve a higher success rate of liver transplantation.
Conclusion  Correct management of end-stage cirrhotic portal hypertension and its complications can expand the indications of liver transplantation and improve long-term survival rates.

Citation: YE Sheng,DONG Jiahong. Influence of Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension and Its Complications on Liver Transplantation. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2007, 14(3): 364-367. doi: Copy