目的 探讨腹膜后囊性淋巴管瘤的CT诊断价值和治疗方法。方法 回顾性分析2004年6月至2010年5月期间我院收治的5例经病理检查证实的腹膜后囊性淋巴管瘤患者的临床表现、CT影像特征、手术治疗及术后随访的资料。结果 5例患者术前CT均诊断为囊性淋巴管瘤,均行手术完整切除肿瘤,术后病理结果均证实为囊性淋巴管瘤。术后7 d顺利出院,随访3个月~6年均无复发。结论 CT对腹膜后囊性淋巴管瘤的诊断具有重要意义,手术完整切除整个囊壁是治疗及预防术后复发的最好方法。
From September 1988 to May 1985, 67 cases of thyroid cysts were treated with aspiration and ethanol injection. Patients were followed up clinically and ultrasonically 6 month to 4 years after treatment. Cure was defined as complete disappealance of the cyst or presence of a residual fibrotic mass less than 1 cm in diameter, effectiveness was defined as the residual mass less than 50% of the original one. After one to three injections, 27 out of 36 patients of thyroid adnoma with cystic change (75 %)were cured, the effective rate was 88.2%. The cure rate of nodular goiter with cystic change was 50%(14 out of 28 cases, while the effective rate was 82%.No serious complication occurred in this series. During the period of following up, no malignant change was found. The results suggest that aspiration of thyroid cyst with ethanol injection is a simple, well tolerated and low cost technique.
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effectiveness of the medical calcium sulfate—OsteoSet bone graft substitute in the treatment of defect after excision of jaw cyst. Methods Between December 2009 and May 2010, 15 cases of jaw cystic lesion were treated,including 9 males and 6 females with an average age of 36.6 years (range, 15-75 years). Orthopantomography (OPT) method was used to measure the cyst size before operation, and the size ranged from 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm to 8.0 cm × 3.0 cm. The range of bone defect was from 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm × 1.5 cm to 8.0 cm × 3.0 cm × 3.0 cm after cyst excision intraoperatively. The patients underwent cyst curettage and OsteoSet bone graft substitutes implantation (2-15 mL). Radiological method was used to evaluate the repair effect of OsteoSet pellets. Results The pathology biopsy was periapical cyst in 7 cases, odontogenic keratocyst in 5 cases, and dentigerous cyst in 3 cases. Fifteen patients were followed up 6-12 months. Thirteen patients achieved wound healing by first intention; 2 cases had longer drainage time (5 and 7 days, respectively), the incision healed after the pressure bandage. Swelling occurred in 1 case after 1 month with no symptom of infection. No postoperative infection and rejection was found. The X-ray examination showed that the materials filled the bone defect well after 1 day of operation. OsteoSet bone graft substitutes were absorbed by one-half after 1 month of operation and totally after 3 months by OPT. The low density area was smaller in the original cysts cavity, and high density in the cysts increased significantly with fuzzy boundaries of cysts. At 6 months after operation, there was no obvious difference in image density between the original cavity and normal bone, and the capsule cavity boundary disappeared, and defect area was full of new bone. Conclusion The medical calcium sulfate—OsteoSet bone graft substitute is an ideal filling material for bone defect.
目的 全面介绍先天性囊性腺瘤样畸形(CCAM)其可能的病因,临床、病理特点及诊断手段,循证探讨针对CCAM的治疗方法及预后。 方法 对我院2011年11月收治的1例罕见的CCAM患者的临床资料进行分析,并对相关文献进行复习。 结果 患者数次误诊后最终诊断为CCAM,予手术治疗后痊愈,随访1年无复发。 结论 CCAM是一种少见的、非遗传性的、错构瘤样的肺发育异常,为一种良性的肺部畸形,其特点是局部肺终末呼吸性细支气管过度生长。CCAM多通过产前影像学检查、活组织检查或术后病检诊断。手术为治愈该病的最根本、最重要措施。
目的 评价不同外科手术治疗肝脏囊性占位的临床疗效以及不同外科治疗策略的优缺点。 方法 对1998年1月-2011年12月收治的肝囊性占位患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。共纳入148例患者,其中单纯性肝囊肿患者86例(单发35例,多发51例),多囊肝病患者62例。43.9%(65/148)患者行腹腔镜囊肿开窗治疗,27.0%(40/148)患者行开腹囊肿开窗术,21.6%(32/148)的患者行经皮囊肿穿刺及硬化剂注入术,另有7.4%(11/148)患者行开腹肝部分切除联合囊肿开窗术。 结果 经过手术治疗后,患者症状缓解率高达100.0%;术中患者出血量以经皮囊肿穿刺及硬化剂注入术最少,而以开腹肝部分切除联合囊肿开窗术最多。对于单纯性肝囊肿单发患者,不同手术治疗后均未出现症状复发;对于单纯性肝囊肿多发患者,肝部分切除联合囊肿开窗术治疗未出现症状复发,而经皮囊肿穿刺及硬化剂注入、腹腔镜囊肿开窗和开腹囊肿开窗治疗则分别有3、4、2例患者发生症状或影像学复发,总复发率为17.6%(9/51);对于多囊肝病患者,经皮囊肿穿刺及硬化剂注入、腹腔镜囊肿开窗、开腹开窗和肝部分切除联合囊肿开窗治疗则分别有2、7、3和2例患者发生症状或影像学复发,总复发率为22.6%(14/62)。 结论 目前常用治疗方式对于单纯性肝囊肿单发患者疗效均理想,但对于单纯性多发肝囊肿和多囊肝病患者远期效果均尚不理想。
目的 提高对囊性纤维化的认识。 方法 2011年11月收治1例自幼有临床表现的囊性纤维化患者,回顾其诊断及治疗经过,复习相关文献总结其临床特征、诊疗进展及预后评价。 结果 囊性纤维化起病年龄较早,患者自幼年起即反复出现肺、消化道、肝脏等多系统病变,最终导致多器官功能衰竭。 结论 应提高对囊性纤维化的识别度,对于发病年龄过早、反复发作的严重支气管扩张,伴随生长发育延迟、肝硬化等临床征象应注意对囊性纤维化的筛查。
【摘要】 目的 探讨CT对婴幼儿腹部巨大囊性病变的诊断价值及其鉴别诊断。 方法 搜集2003年-2009年间经手术病理证实的2岁以内患儿腹部巨大囊性病变62例,分析其病变部位、大小、形态、分隔、密度和强化、囊壁及与周围脏器关系等要素。 结果 62例中,先天性胆总管囊肿4例,重度肾积水36例,巨输尿管2例,囊性肾母细胞瘤4例,大网膜囊肿4例,肠系膜囊肿3例,卵巢囊肿6例,囊性畸胎瘤3例。 各种囊性病变有其一定的发病部位和特征性的CT表现。 结论 CT是婴幼儿腹部囊性病变定位、定性诊断的重要影像学方法。【Abstract】 Objective To explore the value of CT diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the giant cystic lesions in abdomen of the infants. Methods A total of 62 infants younger than 2 years old with the giant cystic lesions in abdomen confirmed by surgery and histopathology from 2003 to 2009 were collected. The location of the lesion, range, configuration, thickness of cystic wall and septa, density, contrast enhancement, and adjacent organs were observed and analyzed. Results In 62 infants, there were congenital cyst of common bile duct in 4, giant hydronephrosis in 36, primary megaureter in 2, cystic Wilms tumor in 4, greater omentum cyst in 4, mesenteric cyst in 3, ovarian cystic in 6, and cystic teratoma in 3. Each disease had its own lesions location and features of CT images. Conclusion CT is very effective on the localized and qualitative diagnosis of the giant cystic lesions in abdomen of infants.
探讨立体定向囊内放射治疗囊性和囊实性颅咽管瘤的方法和疗效。方法:对12例囊性和囊实性颅咽管瘤的囊性部分行CT、MRI 引导立体定向吸除囊液、注入胶体磷酸铬,待瘤囊缩小远离视神经等重要结构后,施行伽玛刀治疗。结果:全部病例经手术排出囊液后临床症状迅速改善。经囊内放疗后2-36个月随访12例患者,CT、MRI扫描显示5例患者瘤囊持续消失,临床症状消失,恢复正常的生活和学习;5例患者肿瘤显著缩小,症状持续改善;2例肿瘤无明显改变;无死亡病例。结论:CT、MRI引导立体定向放射治疗囊性颅咽管瘤安全、有效。