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find Keyword "局灶性癫痫" 15 results
  • 反应性神经刺激治疗成人局灶性药物难治性癫痫的中心试验结果

    为了验证在癫痫灶进行反应性神经刺激作为减少成人癫痫起源于一个或两个致痫灶的药物难治性部分性癫痫发作频率的辅助治疗方法的安全性及有效性。反应性局灶皮层刺激(Responsive focal cortical stimulation, RNS)的多中心随机对照双盲试验。对起源于一个或两个致痫灶的药物难治性部分性癫痫受试者进行皮下植入, 植入后1个月按1∶1随机分为真刺激及假刺激组。植入后第5个月过后, 所有受试者在一个开放标签期(Open label period, OLP)接受反应性神经刺激开放标签来完成2年的植入后随访。所有191例受试者进行了随机化。盲法期结束时真刺激组癫痫发作改变的百分比为37.9%, 假刺激组为17.3%(P=0.012, 广义估计方程)。开放标签期癫痫发作减少百分比中位数第1年为44%, 第2年为53%, 代表随着时间呈进行性且显著的改善(P<0.000 1)。严重不良事件发生率在真刺激及假刺激组间无差异。不良事件与植入医疗设备、癫痫发作及其它癫痫治疗方法的已知风险是一致的。未出现神经心理功能或情绪方面的不良效应。反应性神经刺激治疗局灶性癫痫快速减少了部分性癫痫发作的频率, 显示了随时间癫痫发作减少率的改善, 耐受性良好, 安全性可接受。RNS系统为药物难治性部分性癫痫发作患者提供了一种新的治疗选择

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  • 儿童症状性局灶性癫痫和可疑症状性局灶性癫痫:一个观察性的前瞻性多中心研究

    描述新诊断的症状性局灶性癫痫 (Symptomatic focalepilepsies,FS) 和可疑症状性局灶性癫痫 (Presumed symptomatic focalepilepsies,FCE) 患儿入组时及入组后1个月以内的临床、神经心理学和心理病理学特征。将对这些患者入组后随访2~5年,以探究癫痫的病程和药物难治性癫痫的早期预测因素。在这个观察性的多中心全国性研究中,新诊断的FS或者FCE儿童 (年龄1个月~12.9岁) 在15个意大利儿童癫痫高级研究中心被连续纳入。纳入标准如下:①后天或发育因素导致的FS,以及FCE;②首次诊断为癫痫的年龄>1个月并且 < 13岁;③签署书面的知情同意书。临床、脑电图、神经影像以及神经心理资料都用于统计分析。最终纳入259例儿童 (女116例,男143例)。年龄中位数为4.4岁 (范围:1个月~12.9岁),46.0%(n=119)≤3岁,24%(n=61)>3~6岁,30%(n=79)>6岁。71.8%的患儿神经系统检查正常。59.9%头部核磁共振 (MRI) 检查异常。年龄≤3岁组的患儿入组后第一个月发作的频率最高 (P < 0.000 1)。67.2%的患儿第一个月为单药治疗。在基线期,30%的患儿认知功能检查异常;21%存在行为问题。多因素分析发现,年幼儿和颞叶癫痫患儿起病后第一个月内发作频率>5次的几率更大。该项前瞻性的队列研究发现,儿童期起病的FS和FCE患者的许多特征与起病的年龄以及致痫灶的部位有关。

    Release date:2017-04-01 08:51 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 伴中央颞区棘波自限性癫痫患儿的认知功能:一项系统评价和荟萃分析

    现在良性癫痫伴中央颞区棘波[(Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes,BECTS),或近期多被称为 ECTS]与一系列认知和行为障碍相关的观点已经被广泛接受。尽管对 ECTS 的认知功能已经有了进一步的了解,目前仍没有在综合认知框架之下进行的量化分析研究。该系统评价和荟萃分析是在 PRISMA 指南的指导之下进行的。42 项对照研究满足纳入条件,共计包含 1 237 例 ECTS 患儿和 1 137 名健康对照儿童。对 8 个认知因素以及 Cattell-Horn-Carroll(CHC)智力模型进行单变量,随机效应荟萃分析。总体来说,ECTS 患儿在神经心理学测试中所有认知方面与健康对照相比均明显偏低。观测效应从 0.42~0.81 集中标准差单位不等,其中长期存储和获取为最大效应而视觉信息处理为最小效应。目前荟萃分析的结果首次提供了 ECTS 患儿展现一系列普遍性的认知障碍的证据,因此对目前认为 ECTS 是一个良性疾病或者认为仅存在局限性、特定认知功能损害的观点提出了挑战。

    Release date:2018-03-20 04:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 癫痫网络的定义:立体脑电图和信号分析的贡献

    致痫网络定义为癫痫放电产生和传播过程中累及的脑区。基于颅内电极电生理数据的分析,文章综述介绍了致痫网络的历史、方法和概念。在癫痫术前评估中,确定产生癫痫发作的脑区(如致痫区)是最重要的目标。较药物难治性局灶性癫痫传统的、局限性的视觉分析方法而言,致痫网络作为一个模型已逐渐得到公认。该模型能更好地描述发作动态演变的复杂性、更真实地描述大脑致痫性的异常分布。致痫网络概念在历史上与立体脑电图(SEEG)方法学的发展及随后脑电信号定量分析相关。SEEG 有明确的发作期、发作前及发作间期放电模式,可以用信号分析方法对上述模式进行分析,如高频振荡定量分析或分析功能连接的改变。我们可以在皮层和皮层下脑区癫痫发生和传播的过程中,依据 SEEG 数据分析得到大脑连接的显著变化,这些变化与不同的发作症状学模式相关。发作间期特征就是致痫网络产生异常电活动(发作间期棘波)及功能连接的改变。致痫网络大尺度建模新方法的引入为更好地预测手术预后提供了新方法。就明确致痫性脑区的分布而言,致痫网络的概念是一个关键的要素,这对癫痫手术尤为重要。

    Release date:2018-03-20 04:09 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The Lateralization of Ictal Scalp EEG in Focal Epilepsy

    ObjectiveTo investigate the lateralization of ictal scalp EEG in different times in focal epilepsy.Methods356 surface ictal EEG of 41 patients were reviewed retrospectively in focal epilepsy arising from the mesial frontal, lateralfrontal, mesialtemporal, neocorticaltemporal, insular lobes and posterior cortex from July, 2010 to at, 2016. Each ictal scalp EEG was subdivided into ten epoches (E1-E10), then the lateralization of every epoch was analyzed. Ten epochs EEG were merged into three timesas E1-E3, E4-E6 and E7-E10. The ratio of lateralization, mislateralization and non-lateralization of each timeEEG were studied. Ictal onset zone (IOZ) were precise localized by intracranial EEG. The results of epileptogenic zone corresponded with surgical outcomes as seizure free or decreased.Results62% seizures were lateralized by surface ictal EEG in all epilepsies. Lateralized ictal scalp EEG were seen in nearly 80% of seizures in all times in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). The highest lateralization of 89% occurred inE4-E6 andfalse lateralization up to 30% in E1-E3 in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE), whereas 95% lateralized seizures emerged in E1-E3 in neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy (NTLE). Apparent non-lateralization in all times were higher than lateralization in frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE), especially in mesial frontal lobe epilepsy (MFLE). Lateralization in E1-E3 was only 24% higher than other times. In addition, False lateralization never occurred in all times in lateral frontal lobe epilepsy (LFLE). There were maximum of 83%lateralized seizures in E1-E3 in LFLE and 93% in E1-E3 in posterior cortex epilepsy (PCE). Seizures arising from insular lobe epilepsy (ILE) tendedto predict less lateralization in all times.ConclusionsIctal scalp EEG of E1-E3 are valuable in the lateralization in all epilepsies particularly in LFLE, NTLE and PCE. Lateralized E4-E6 and E7-10 are very useful in MTLE.

    Release date:2020-01-09 08:49 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 拉考沙胺在成人及儿童不同类型癫痫中的研究进展

    拉考沙胺是一种新型抗癫痫发作药物,目前已被批准用于治疗4岁及以上局灶性癫痫患者。为了评估拉考沙胺对成人及儿童不同类型癫痫的疗效和耐受性,对MEDLINE、Pubmed and Google Scholar进行了系统回顾,检索自2014年1月—2022年5月的文献,主要结果是拉考沙胺对成人及儿童不同类型癫痫的疗效和不良事件,并进行系统报告。目前的证据表明,拉考沙胺对成人及儿童局灶性癫痫、全身性癫痫、癫痫持续状态及癫痫综合征是一种很好的补充治疗方法,因为拉考沙胺在癫痫控制和安全性方面有效。但拉考沙胺在儿童癫痫中的应用证据不足,有必要在儿童人群中进行大规模随机对照研究,以证实这些发现。

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  • Clinical analysis of lacosamide in the treatment of infantile focal epilepsy

    ObjectiveTo observe the efficacy and safety of lacosamide (LCM) as a monotherapy or as an add-on in the treatment of focal epilepsy in children aged 4 months to 4 years. MethodsThe study included 20 children with focal epilepsy who received oral LCM monotherapy or add-on therapy in Children's Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University from March 2022 to September 2022, including 9 males and 11 females with an average age of (22.4±13.0) months. The curative effects and adverse reactions at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 months after LCM treatment were analyzed. The initial dose of LCM was 2 mg/(kg·d) and increased by 2 mg/(kg·d) every week, maintenance dose 6 ~ 12mg/(kg·d). Results During the follow-up period of this study, the total effective cases were 17 (85.00%), and the number of control-free cases was 15 (75.00%). Conclusion LCM can effectively reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures in the monotherapy or add-on treatment of infants and young children with focal epilepsy, with few adverse reactions and high retention rate, which has high clinical application value.

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  • Correlation analysis of cognitive impairment in patients with focal epilepsy

    ObjectiveThrough neuropsychological assessment, explore the factors that may cause cognitive impairment in patients with focal epilepsy.MethodsCollected 53 epilepsy patients in outpatients and inpatients of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital from March 2016 to January 2020, including 25 males and 28 females, with an average age of (23.58±13.24) years old, and the course of disease (6.49±7.39), all met the 2017 ILEA diagnostic criteria for focal epilepsy, and there was no history of progressive brain disease or brain surgery. Carry out relevant cognitive assessments for the enrolled patients, use SPSS statistical software to conduct Spearman correlation analysis on the cognitive functions of the study subjects, and further analyze the related factors of cognition through Logistic regression analysis to clarify the factors related to cognition whether it may be a risk factor for cognitive impairment in patients with focal epilepsy.Results Spearman correlation analysis showed that the FIQ of patients with focal epilepsy was related to education level, age of onset, seizure pattern, total number of seizures, AEDs and EEG interval discharge side (P<0.05). Binary Logistic regression analysis shows that among all cognitive-related factors, only the number of AEDs (P=0.003) and EEG interval discharge (P=0.013) are the risk of cognitive impairment in patients with focal epilepsy factor.ConclusionIn the clinical treatment of epilepsy, seizures should be actively controlled, but the types of drugs should be minimized. When there are more than 3 kinds of drugs, surgical treatment or other non-surgical treatments can be considered. At the same time, the EEG should be reviewed regularly to understand the changes in epileptiform discharges between episodes.

    Release date:2021-04-25 09:50 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical efficacy of perampanel monotherapy in children with focal epilepsy

    Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of Perampanel (PER) monotherapy in children with focal epilepsy. Methods Forty-six children with focal epilepsy who were newly diagnosed in the Department of Neurology of Wuxi Children's Hospital and had not used anti-seizure medications during January 2021 to June 2022 were selected, including 24 males and 22 females, with an average age of (7.2 ± 2.4) years old. Mono-therapy of PER as the PER group (23 cases), mono-therapy of Levetiracetam (LEV) as the LEV group (23 cases). Compare the clinical efficacy and adverse reactions between the two groups. Result The total effective rate was 87.0% (20/23) in PER group and 73.9% (17/23) in LEV group after 3 months of treatment (P<0.05); the total effective rate in the PER group was 78.3% (18/23), and 60.9% (14/23) in the LEV group after 6 months of treatment (P<0.05). The differences were statistically significant. In the PER group, 2 children had adverse reactions, 1 case was lethargic, and 1 case was dizziness. By temporarily reducing the drug dose and slowing the rate of dosing, the adverse reactions disappeared. In LEV group, 3 children had adverse reactions, all of who were irritable in varying degrees. By slowing down the rate of drug addition, 2 children’s symptoms disappeared and 1 child's symptoms relieved during 3 ~ 6 months. Conclusion The new anti-seizure medication — PER has a better anti-epileptic effect on focal epilepsy, which is better than LEV. The adverse reactions of both drugs are less and mild, and can be selected according to clinical conditions.

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  • 家族性局灶性癫痫伴可变灶1型一例并文献复习

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