目的探讨成人法洛四联症(tetralogy of fallot,TOf)的体外循环(cardiaopulmonary bypass,CPB)管理策略。 方法回顾性分析2008年1月至2012年12月广东省人民医院收治TOf患者112例的临床资料,其中男51例、女61例,年龄17~49(26.8±11.3)岁。2例行右心室流出道疏通术,余为TOf根治术。CPB降温至中度或深度低温、采用中至低流量灌注。通过CPB开始时放自体血、加大预充液量等调整CPB中红细胞压积(HCT)维持在0.25至术前水平的1/2,持续给予6-氨基己酸、超滤、使用血液回收机等综合措施进行血液保护。心肌保护采用冷高钾含血或晶体心脏停搏液间断灌注,同时运用开放前温血灌注、术野充弥CO2辅助心腔排气等措施提高心肌保护效果。调控CPB中血氧分压,以术前氧分压水平开始CPB、逐渐增加到150 mm Hg左右,并维持至CPB血流复温再进一步升高,以减少全身各组织器官的再氧合损伤。 结果CPB时间60~272(127.5±31.5)min,主动脉阻断时间22~146(78.3±20.4)min,住ICU时间19~1 465(96.9±19.0)h,住院时间12~84(26.2±1.4)d。二次开胸止血12例,胸腔积液9例,急性肾功衰竭2例,乳糜胸2例;死亡4例,其中术后重度低心排血量综合征3例、多器官功能衰竭1例,住院死亡率3.6%。 结论成人TOf的CPB需要特别关注血液保护、心肌保护及减少再氧合损伤,以降低并发症、提高手术效果。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of a combination of beating-heart minimally invasive approach and leaflets augmentation technique treating severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR) after cardiac surgery. Methods From January 2015 to August 2017, patients undergoing reoperative tricuspid valve repair (TVP) with minimally invasive approach and leaflets augmentation were enrolled. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) was established via femoral vessels and the procedures were performed on beating heart with normothermic CPB. A bovine pericardial patch was sutured to leaflets to augment the native anterior and posterior leaflets. Other repair techniques, such as ring implantation and leaflet mobilization, were also applied as needed. Results A total of 28 patients (mean age 55.6±10.1 years, 5 males, 23 females) were enrolled. One patient was converted to median sternotomy due to pleural cavity adhesion. Twenty-seven patients underwent totally endoscopic TVP with leaflets augmentation. No patients was transferred to tricuspid valve replacement. Two patients died in hospital. All patients were followed up for 7.4±5.0 months and there was no late death and reoperation. Regurgitation area was converted from 20.7±10.1 cm2 to 3.3±3.3 cm2 after TVP according to the latest echocardiography (P<0.001). Conclusion Minimally TVP with leaflets augmentation is effective in treating severe isolated TR after primary cardiac surgery. It can significantly increase success rate of tricuspid valvuloplasty and decrease the surgical trauma.