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find Keyword "药物安全" 7 results
  • Recent Report on Cardiovascular Safety of Cox-2 Inhibitor Celebrex

    Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suspended the use of both celecoxib (Celebrex, Pfizer) and naproxen (Aleve, Bayer) in prevention large clinical trials after discovering that celecoxib and naproxen appeared to increase the risk of cardiovascular events with patients on placebo. FDA also advises patients who are currently taking over the counter naproxen products to carefully follow the instructions on the label. Pfizer suggested that alternatives to celecoxib should be considered based on individual patient needs and risk. The cardiovascular community responds differently.

    Release date:2016-08-25 03:34 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Double-blind, Double-dummy, Randomized Controlled Trials of Bupropion Hydrochloride Sustained-release Tablets for Depression

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of Bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets in the treatment of depression. Methods A total of 48 patients meeting the diagnostic criteria of depression of CCMD-3 were randomly treated with Bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets or Fluoxetine tablets for 42 days. Hamilton depression rating scale, Hamilton anxiety rating scale, clinical global impression and treatment emergent symptom scale were used to evaluate the therapeutic effect. Blood routine test, urine routine test and electrocardiogram were examined before and after the treatment. Results The effective rate of Bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets [83% (20/ 24) ] was higher than that of Fluoxetine tablets [63% (15/ 24)], with a P value of 0.104. The incidence of adverse reactions was 46% (11/24) in both groups. Conclusion The therapeutic effect of Bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets on depression is similar to that of Fluoxetine tablets, with mild adverse reactions to both treatments.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:15 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Evidence-Based Safety Reassessment of Post Marketed Drug - Importance of Recall of Refecoxib

    This article aims to review the recall of refecoxib which increases the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and to find the methods to solve problems in post marked monitoring of drug safety.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:25 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 药物安全与药品不良反应监测

      人类应用药品治疗疾病已有几千年的历史,远古时代人们为了生存从生活经验中得知某些天然物质可以治疗疾病与伤痛,随着医药学科学的发展,到目前已有镇痛药、抗生素、抗肿瘤药、心血管系统药、呼吸系统药、神经系统药等类别繁多,数量庞大的药品,为解除病痛、挽救生命发挥了极其重要的作用。但是药品犹如一把双刃剑,人类通过药品征服疾病带来的痛苦的同时,也因此付出了惨痛的代价。医药史发展上,屡屡发生如含汞药物与肢端疼痛病、磺胺酏剂与肾功能衰竭、孕激素与女婴外生殖器男性化等致死、致残的药害事件。经历了一系列药物危害事件,尤其是20世纪60年代初发生的震惊世界的“反应停”事件后,药品不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)受到世界的广泛关注。  1 药品不良反应的定义  WHO的定义为:“使用正常剂量的药物进行治疗时出现的非预期有害反应,称作ADR”[1]。  我国是WHO国际药物监测合作计划的成员国,在ADR监测工作中同样遵循着WHO所规定的ADR定义。因而,我国卫生部、国家食品药品监督管理局发布的《药品不良反应报告和监测办法》规定:“药品不良反应是指合格药品在正常用法用量下出现的与用药目的无关的或意外的有害反应。”包括:药物的副作用、毒性作用、继发反应、撤药反应、后遗反应、药物依赖、过敏反应、特异质反应、致癌作用、致畸作用、致突变作用等类型。  2 药品不良反应监测建立的背景  20世纪30年代的“磺胺酏剂事件”引发美国政府对其联邦食品药品法规的修订,强调药品上市前必须进行毒理研究,药品生产者必须把安全性资料报告食品及药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration,FDA)进行审批,由此全球开始关注药品安全性问题[2]。  20世纪60年代的“反应停事件”引发了新一轮对药品安全性的关注和研究,促使各国纷纷进一步完善药品管理法规,并加快了对ADR信息收集系统的建立。为了避免再次发生类似“反应停”的灾难,一些国家率先建立了医务人员志愿报告ADR的监测体制:1963年西德和荷兰建立了ADR鉴别报告制度;1964年英国建立黄卡制度;澳大利亚建立蓝卡制度;法国、西班牙、日本、比利时、捷克等国,也纷纷建立了现代意义上的药品不良反应报告制度。为在药品安全性、有效性方面有经常性的交流信息,一旦发现新的、严重的药品不良反应,可迅速采取措施避免危害的扩大,避免同样药物的同样不良反应在不同时间、不同地点重复发生,防止药品不良反应的流行,保护各国人民的用药安全,1962年,世界卫生大会责成WHO卫生总干事研究防治药物灾难性事件的有效措施,并“确保将药物新的严重不良反应迅速通报到各国卫生行政机构”。1968年WHO制订了国际药品监测合作计划,在美国成立药物不良反应合作监测的国际组织,并在已建立报告制度的10个国家试点。1970年WHO正式设立国际药品监测合作中心作为具体执行WHO药品不良反应监测合作计划的常设机构,1971年在瑞士日内瓦建立了全球ADR数据库,1978年搬迁到瑞典的Uppsala(乌普萨拉)市,1997年WHO国际药物监测合作中心更名为乌普沙拉监测中心(Uppsala Monitoring Certre,UMC)我国于1998年3月正式加入了WHO国际药品监测合作中心并成为第68个成员国。到目前世界卫生组织(WHO)国际药物监测计划的正式成员国达到了100个[3]。  3 药品上市后监测的必要性3.1 动物实验的局限性  动物与人类的种属差异:动物在遗传、新陈代谢、体内酶系统等与人类有巨大的种属差异;许多药品不良反应在动物实验中难以证实。3.2 临床试验的局限性  临床试验的病例数少、试验时间短、试验对象的局限性、用药条件控制严格(too homogeneous)。有特殊情况的排除、目的单纯。观察指标只限于试验所规定的内容。因此临床试验ne;临床应用,罕见但严重的 ADR、特殊人群用药、连续用药、长潜伏期、药品相互作用、注射液配伍禁忌等信息缺乏或不全,获得新药证书上市时,用药不足5 000人,只能发现更常见的ADR。  因而上市后的不良反应监测是继续对药品的安全性考察,能正确指导合理用药,有效的避免或减轻潜在的ADR,减轻患者经济负担。  4 我国药品不良反应监测的发展  早在20世纪50年代后期,我国就曾经建立了部分地区的青霉素不良反应报告制度。1983年,卫生部组织专家和有关单位起草了《药品毒副反应报告制度》,后改为《药品不良反应监测报告制度》,为我国药品不良反应报告和监测工作迈出第一步。1984年,我国药品管理法颁布,规定药品管理部门、药品生产企业、药品经营企业和医疗单位要经常考察并组织调查药品质量、疗效和不良反应。第一次将药品不良反应报告和监测工作列为药品生产、经营、使用单位和监督管理部门的法定责任。20世纪80年代末期卫生部药政局组织了药品不良反应报告制度的试点,1989年11月,成立卫生部药物不良反应监察中心。1998年4月,国家药品监督管理局(SDA)成立以后,1999年,卫生部药品不良反应监察中心并入国家药品监督管理局药品评价中心,更名为“国家药品不良反应监测中心”同年颁布《药品不良反应监测管理办法(试行)》,标志我国正式实施药品不良反应报告制度。  2001年11月,国家药品不良反应信息通报制度和各地药品不良反应病例报告情况通报制度建立。截止到目前,全国各级药品不良反应监测机构技术体系框架已基本建成。其间,2001年建成覆盖全国的国家ADR监测信息网络系统,为中国的ADR监测工作提供了现代化的管理手段。  2001年新修订的药品管理法第71条明确规定“国家实行药品不良反应报告制度”;2004年以卫生部和国家食品药品监督管理局(SFDA)联合令的形式发布了法规性文件《药品不良反应报告与监测管理办法》,确定了药品使用单位法定报告和监测责任,将ADR监测工作已纳入法制化管理轨道,推动了我国药物警戒的发展和药品不良反应突发事件预警机制的建立。2011年7月1日开始实施的新修订的《药品不良反应报告和监测管理办法》进一步提出加强药品不良反应监测体系建设、加强药品不良反应报告的收集和上报,并深入开展药品不良反应分析评价的要求。  5 药物警戒  WHO对药物警戒的定义为:发现、评估、理解和预防不良作用或者一些其他药物有关问题的科学和活动[4]。  WHO指出:在药品的整个生命周期(自批准前阶段到患者使用),都保持警惕,对药物存有的风险和带来的益处进行评估[1]。  因此,药物警戒已不仅仅是上市后的监测,而是包括了所有其他提供用药安全保障的工作,它不仅涉及药品不良反应,还涉及与药物相关的其他问题,如不合格药品、药物治疗错误、缺乏有效性的报告、对没有充分科学根据而不被认可的适应证的用药、急慢性中毒的病例报告、与药物相关的病死率的评价、药物的滥用与错用、药物与化学药物、其他药物和食品的不良相互作用。其最终目标为提高医疗质量及与药品应用相关的安全性;提高公众的健康及与药品应用相关的安全性;有利于与药品的收益、危害、效果及风险的评估,鼓励安全、合理和更有效(包括经济)地使用药品;促进对药物警戒的理解、教育和临床培训以及与公众的有效交流[4]。  2006年以来国内发生的“齐二药”、“欣弗”、“上海华联(甲氨蝶呤)”等一系列药害事件,都是从药品不良反应监测系统上报的,因此,我们的药品不良反应监测系统已经扩展为药物警戒,即为控制药品安全性问题提供预警。   ……  (查看完整版请下载PDF)

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Clinical decision support system for medication safety: an overview of systematic reviews

    ObjectivesTo provide an overview of whether the clinical decision support system (CDSS) was effective in reducing medication error and improving medication safety and to assess the quality of available scientific evidence.MethodsPubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library, CBM, WanFang Data, VIP and CNKI databases were electronically searched to collect systematic reviews (SRs) on application of clinical decision support system in the medication error and safety from January, 1996 to November, 2018. Two reviewers independently screened literature, extracted data and then evaluated methodological quality of included SRs by using AMSTAR tool.g AMSTAR tool.ResultsA total of 20 SRs including 256 980 healthcare practitioners and 1 683 675 patients were included. Specifically, 16 studies demonstrated moderate quality and 4 demonstrated high quality. 19 SRs evaluated multiple process of care outcome: 9 were sufficient evidence, 6 were limited evidence, and 7 were insufficient evidence which proved that CDSS had a positive effect on process outcome. 13 SRs evaluated reported patient outcomes: 1 with sufficient evidence, 3 with limited evidence, and 9 without sufficient evidence.ConclusionsCDSS reduces medication error by inconsistently improving process of care measures and seldom improving patient outcomes. Larger samples and longer-term studies are required to ensure a larger and more reliable evidence base on the effects of CDSS intervention on patient outcomes.

    Release date:2020-04-18 07:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Management and treatment of pregnancy complicated with inflammatory bowel disease

    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of chronic, recurrent, and non-specific intestinal inflammatory diseases. It usually occurs between 20 and 40 years old, overlapping with the patient’s childbearing age. Active IBD may lead to decreased fertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes, and pregnancy may also lead to recurrence of IBD. Through studying domestic and foreign related literature on pregnancy and IBD, this article elaborates on the guidance and management of IBD before pregnancy, the disease management of IBD during pregnancy, the disease management of IBD during lactation, and the current status and prospects of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. It aims to provide references for patients and clinicians to have a more scientific understanding of pregnancy with IBD.

    Release date:2021-03-19 01:22 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • A multi-behavior recognition method for macaques based on improved SlowFast network

    Macaque is a common animal model in drug safety assessment. Its behavior reflects its health condition before and after drug administration, which can effectively reveal the side effects of drugs. At present, researchers usually rely on artificial methods to observe the behavior of macaque, which cannot achieve uninterrupted 24-hour monitoring. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a system to realize 24-hour observation and recognition of macaque behavior. In order to solve this problem, this paper constructs a video dataset containing nine kinds of macaque behaviors (MBVD-9), and proposes a network called Transformer-augmented SlowFast for macaque behavior recognition (TAS-MBR) based on this dataset. Specifically, the TAS-MBR network converts the red, green and blue (RGB) color mode frame input by its fast branches into residual frames on the basis of SlowFast network and introduces the Transformer module after the convolution operation to obtain sports information more effectively. The results show that the average classification accuracy of TAS-MBR network for macaque behavior is 94.53%, which is significantly improved compared with the original SlowFast network, proving the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method in macaque behavior recognition. This work provides a new idea for the continuous observation and recognition of the behavior of macaque, and lays the technical foundation for the calculation of monkey behaviors before and after medication in drug safety evaluation.

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