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find Keyword "Focal seizure with focal structure abnormality" 1 results
  • Timing and statregy of surgery intervention for drug resistant epilepsy

    Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) not only have disruption of the patients by seizure, but also influence the quality of life, cognitive function and social association, as well as development delay even retrogression for children. Epilepsy surgery is the only curative treatment currently available for focal lesional pharmacoresistant epilepsy, five years complete seizure freedom rates was around 60% after surgery. The criterion of surgical intervention at present is achievement for the diagnosis of DRE, thereafter consideration of early epilepsy surgery, but these maybe a long-term duration. Recent advance in examine methods and surgical techniques have improved the surgical treatment of epilepsy, to such patient with focal lesional structure abnormality, before the DRE emergence, under the discussion of the multidisciplinary team. Children under 3 years old, the brain have greater neural plasticity, early surgical treatment is expected at allow the healthy brain to recover and develop the language function and quality of life. Numerous cause may pose abstracts to the delay of surgical intervention: (1) diagnosis delay; (2) patient himself and their familiar recognize that there have same risk of surgical treatment; (3) the primary doctor firmly believe that epilepsy surgery is the ultimate methods; (4) special problems of the patient, such including: age, comorbidity, and the location of symptom, EEG as well as imaging non-conformation.

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