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find Author "KONG Lingsong" 1 results
  • Exploration and practice of “Four-Early and Three-Entry” education model for clinical medical undergraduates

    Modern medical education faces multiple challenges, and there is a gap between the social needs and the methods of cultivating medical talents. The current undergraduate education in clinical medicine is subject centered, and the traditional model is difficult to cultivate students’ clinical abilities, practical skills, and research thinking effectively. Therefore, West China Hospital/West China School of Medicine of Sichuan University has proposed a new education model of “Four-Early and Three-Entry”, aiming to cultivate students’ professional ethics, clinical abilities, and scientific research innovation abilities through early clinical practice, scientific research participation, and social integration. This article will introduce the practice and preliminary results of the “Four-Early and Three-Entry” model, aiming to provide effective ways to improve the quality of medical undergraduate education and cultivate more comprehensive medical professionals.

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