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find Author "Zheng Yanlin" 2 results
  • Application of precision medicine in diagnosis and treatment of retinitis pigmentosa

    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is an inherited retinal disease characterized by degeneration of retinal pigment epithelial cells. Precision medicine is a new medical model that applies modern genetic technology, combining living environment, clinical data of patients, molecular imaging technology and bio-information technology to achieve accurate diagnosis and treatment, and establish personalized disease prevention and treatment model. At present, precise diagnosis of RP is mainly based on next-generation sequencing technology and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, while precise therapy is mainly reflected in gene therapy, stem cell transplantation and gene-stem cell therapy. Although the current research on precision medicine for RP has achieved remarkable results, there are still many problems in the application process that is needed close attention. For instance, the current gene therapy cannot completely treat dominant or advanced genetic diseases, the safety of gene editing technology has not been solved, the cells after stem cell transplantation cannot be effectively integrated with the host, gene sequencing has not been fully popularized, and the big data information platform is imperfect. It is believed that with the in-depth research of gene sequencing technology, regenerative medicine and the successful development of clinical trials, the precision medicine for RP will be gradually improved and is expected to be applied to improve the vision of patients with RP in the future.

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  • A review of advances in biologic therapy for Behçet uveitis

    Behçet uveitis (BU), one of the common manifestations of Behçet syndrome, has a poor prognosis, high blinding rate, and severely impairs the quality of patients’ life. The current treatment principle mainly induce and maintain inflammation remission by suppressing the immune response. The glucocorticoid combined with immunosuppressive therapy for the treatment of BU has disadvantages such as long medication time, severe adverse effects, and poor long-term prognosis, whereas biologics have gradually attracted attention about the treatment of BU because of their high efficacy, low toxicity, and good long-term prognosis. The biologics used to treat BU include tumor necrosis factor-α inhibitors, interferon-α, interleukin blockers, and lymphocyte targeting preparations. It is believed that with the progress of various studies and clinical trials, the stepwise application of biologics is promising, and it is hopeful to provide more accurate and effective treatment for patients with BU in the future.

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