• Second Department of Oncology, 5th Hospital of Wuhan City, Wuhan 430050, Hubei Province, China;
LONGZhi-xiong, Email: longzhixiong@hotmail.com
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Objective To summarize clinical application progress of stereotactic radiotherapy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods The literatures about the research progress of the stereotactic radiotherapy for primary hepatocellular carcinoma were reviewed. Results Radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma is importantly based on the radiation biology of the liver and the radiophysics of the liver cancer. Stereotactic precision radiotherapy is an effective and low toxic treatment for early hepatocellular carcinoma, moreover, it alone or in combination with microwave ablation, hepatic artery chemoembolization for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma is safe and effective method for the treatment. Conclusions The optimal dose model for hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma radical dose level are problems that need further exploration, and radiobiology, radiation physics research must be strengthened to explore it, stereotactic precision radiotherapy treatment modalities in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma position will become increasingly people attention.

Citation: ZHANGJiang-zhou, LONGZhi-xiong. Clinical Application Progress of Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. CHINESE JOURNAL OF BASES AND CLINICS IN GENERAL SURGERY, 2016, 23(1): 119-122. doi: 10.7507/1007-9424.20160033 Copy

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