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find Keyword "子痫" 14 results
  • Association between 14 bp Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism of HLA-G Gene and Preeclampsia: A Meta-Analysis

    Objective To systematically review the association between 14 bp insertion/ deletion polymorphism of HLA-G gene and preeclampsia (PE). Methods We electronically searched in the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science, EMbase, CBM, CNKI, WanFang Data, and VIP to collect all the case-control trials on the association between 14 bp insertion/ deletion polymorphism of HLA-G gene and PE. Two reviewers independently screened literature according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted data and assessed the quality of the included studies. Then, meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.1 software. Results Totally 10 studies were recruited. The results of meta-analysis showed that, the preeclampsia group was higher than the control group in the frequencies of HLA-G +14 bp haplotype in the fetus and fathers and the frequencies of HLA-G +14 bp/+14 bp genotype in fathers, but its frequencies of fetal HLA-G −14 bp haplotype was significantly lower. Their pooled OR and 95%CI were 1.42 (1.10 to 1.84), 1.54 (1.25 to 1.90), 2.00 (1.19 to 3.38), and 0.67 (0.54 to 0.82). Compared with the control group, in the preeclampsia group the frequencies of HLA-G +14 bp/+14 bp genotype in fetus were higher, while the frequencies of HLA-G −14 bp/−14 bp genotype were lower (OR=1.75, 95%CI 1.11 to 2.77; OR= 0.57, 95%CI 0.41 to 0.81). In the preeclampsia group, the frequencies of mother (+14 bp/−14 bp)/ fetal (+14 bp/+14 bp) were higher than the control group (OR= 3.77, 95%CI 1.40 to 10.11), while those of mother (−14 bp/−14 bp)/ fetal (−14 bp/−14 bp) and those of father (−14 bp/−14 bp)/fetal (−14 bp/−14 bp) were lower (OR=0.52, 95%IC 0.31 to 0.85; OR=0.33, 95%CI 0.15 to 0.75). Conclusion Paternal and fetal 14 bp insertion/ deletion polymorphism of HLA-G gene might be associated with preeclampsia. And maternal-fetal genotype compatibility analysis might provide new clues for the pathogenesis research and clinical diagnosis of preeclampsia.

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  • Pregnancy Outcomes of Severe Preeclampsia Premature Birth and Spontaneous Premature Birth: A Case-Control Study

    Objective To explore the maternal and neonatal outcomes of different types of severe preeclampsia premature birth. Methods The pregnant outcomes of 142 patients with severe preeclampsia premature birth (the study group) were compared with 311 patients with spontaneous premature birth (the control group). Singleton pregnancy was divided into three stages by gestational age: very early premature birth (28-31+6 weeks), moderate premature birth (34-36+6 weeks) and mild premature birth (32-33+6 weeks). Multiple-pregnancy was divided into two stages: lt;34 weeks of gestation group and ≥34 weeks of gestation group. Results he rates of antenatal care and the average birth weight of trial group were much lower than those of control group. he rates of cesarean delivery and complications of trial group were much higher than those of control group. he total neonatal mortality and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) hospitalization rate of singleton pregnancy in trial group was much higher than that of control group (Plt;0.05). In very early premature birth, neonatal outcomes were particularly bad, but there was no diference between trial group and control group. In moderate premature birth and mild premature birth, the incidences of neonatal pneumonia and the aspiration syndrome of trial group were higher than those of control group, and the duration of NICU hospitalization was longer in trial group than in control group. he incidences of heart failure and postpartum hemorrhage in twin pregnancy combined with severe preeclampsia were particularly high. Conclusion Severe preeclampsia signiicantly afects fetal growth and perinatal outcomes; the average birth weight in each trial group of singleton pregnancy is much lower than that of control group. In moderate premature birth and mild premature birth, the neonatal adverse outcomes of trial group are much higher than those of control group. he total neonatal mortality and NICU hospitalization rate of singleton pregnancy in trial group is much higher than that of control group. In very early premature birth, morbidity and mortality of the newborn is closely related to gestational age. Women of multiple-pregnancy complicated with severe preeclampsia require more concerns about health care in order to prevent heart failure and postpartum hemorrhage.

    Release date:2016-09-07 11:24 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Association of Human Leukocyte Antigen-DRs With Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia: A Systematic Review

    Objective To investigate the relation of Human Leukocyte Antigen-DRs to Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E) by reviewing the observational studies on PE/E. Methods We searched the MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, The Cochrane Library and CBMdisc to July 2005, by combining free text with MeSH words. We assessed the quality of included studies, extracted and analyzed data. Results The odds ratio of fetal-maternal HLA-DR4 antigen frequency in case group versus control group was 2. 60 (95% CI 1.87 to 3.60) with statistical significance. The antigen frequencies of'other fetal-maternal HLA-DRs in case and control groups were not statistically significant. The antigen frequencies of the couple HLA DRs were not statistically significant between case and control groups. We found that neither the HLA-DR sharing between the couples nor between fetus and mothers in case and control groups were statistically significant. Conclusions The antigen frequencies of HLA-DRs between the couples may have no association with the development of PE/E. The fetal gene types may be related to the development of PE/E. The HLA-DR sharing in mothers and fetus and the couples may have no association with the development of PE/E.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:17 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Pre-eclampsia and Hypertension

    截至2002年8月,有关妊娠子痫及高血压的临床证据如下:预防: ①抗血小板药物:1个系统评价发现,对可能发生先兆子痫的孕妇使用抗血小板药物(主要是阿司匹林)与使用安慰剂或不治疗相比,在降低发生先兆子痫的危险、减少胎儿死亡和早产方面有统计学意义,在其他重要结局上无统计学意义.随后的1个小样本随机对照试验(RCT)也得出相似的结论.该系统评价还发现,无证据表明使用阿司匹林会比安慰剂增加孕妇或胎儿出血的危险. ②补钙(用于高危孕妇或钙摄入不足的孕妇):1个系统评价发现,给孕妇补钙(2 g/d)与使用安慰剂相比,在降低先兆子痫的发病危险及减少胎儿出生时体重不足 2 500 g方面有统计学意义,但对降低死产、住院期间围产儿死亡、减少剖腹产或早产没有统计学意义. ③补镁 : 1个系统评价发现,尚无充足证据证明补镁对有发生先兆子痫或其并发症危险的孕妇有效. ④其它药物干预:两个RCT比较了使用阿替洛伟或硝酸甘油与安慰剂,但由于纳入的病例数太少不能得出可靠结论. ⑤限制盐的摄入: 1个系统评价的有限证据表明,低盐饮食与正常饮食相比,在降低孕妇先兆子痫的发生率方面无统计学差异. ⑥ Vit C和Vit E:在高危孕妇中进行的1个RCT中,有限的证据显示,使用Vit C和Vit E与安慰剂相比,前者可明显减少先兆子痫的发生率,但是,我们不能对其疗效得出可靠结论,也无足够证据证明Vit C和Vit E对其它临床指标有影响. ⑦夜间服用月见草油或鱼油:我们找到6个关于服用月见草油和鱼油的RCT,但其样本量都太小,不能得出可靠的结论.治疗: ①积极治疗与姑息疗法对首发严重先兆子痫孕妇的疗效比较:纳入两个小样本RCT的1篇系统评价发现,无证据表明积极治疗对严重先兆子痫孕妇比姑息疗法更能减少死产率或围产儿死亡率.相反,与姑息疗法相比,积极治疗增加了新生儿进入重症监护病房的比例和发生坏死性小肠结肠炎及呼吸窘迫的危险.与姑息疗法相比,无充足证据表明积极治疗对母亲有效. ②降压药用于治疗轻、中度高血压:两个系统评价发现,使用降压药与安慰剂、不用降压药或另外一种降压药比较,前者能明显减少发展为严重高血压的危险,但是对先兆子痫和围产儿死亡无明显效果.该系统评价发现,在妊娠期使用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂与胎儿发生肾衰有关,还发现使用β受体阻滞剂会增加孕龄过小的危险. ③降压药用于治疗妊娠期重度高血压(尽管在药物的最佳选择方案上尚无足够的证据):在患有孕期重度高血压需要立即采取治疗的孕妇中做的1个系统评价和1个RCT中,无证据表明用不同的降压药控制血压在疗效上有差异.由于这些研究的样本量太小,尚不能得出关于不同药物之间相互关系的进一步结论. ④抗氧化剂用于治疗严重的先兆子痫:1个RCT发现,无足够证据表明,在治疗严重先兆子痫的疗效方面,Vit E、Vit C和别嘌呤醇联用与安慰剂相比有差异. ⑤卧床休息对出现蛋白尿的孕期高血压患者的作用:1个系统评价发现,无足够证据表明卧床休息与常规住院活动相比,前者对出现蛋白尿的孕期高血压患者更有效. ⑥卧床休息/住院治疗:我们没有找到关于住院、卧床休息或日间观察与门诊观察或住院但不限制活动相比较的充足证据. ⑦严重先兆子痫患者无痛分娩麻醉方式的选择:1个RCT发现,严重先兆子痫患者进行无痛分娩时,与静脉麻醉相比,硬膜外麻醉能明显降低平均疼痛指数,但这种差异的临床重要性不清楚. ⑧无蛋白尿的妊娠高血压患者的住院治疗:1个系统评价发现,住院治疗与门诊治疗相比,两者在主要临床结局上无统计学差异. ⑨硫酸镁用于治疗子痫(其疗效优于其它抗惊厥药):多个系统评价发现,对于子痫患者,硫酸镁比较苯妥英钠、地西泮或抗自主神经合剂(冬眠合剂)能明显减少子痫的进一步发作.所有系统评价都显示,使用硫酸镁有降低孕产妇死亡率的趋势,尽管其差异没有统计学意义. ⑩扩张血容量用于治疗严重先兆子痫:1个系统评价发现,无足够证据表明是否扩容治疗对严重先兆子痫患者在疗效上有差异.B11严重先兆子痫患者预防性使用硫酸镁:1个系统评价和1个大样本RCT发现,对于严重先兆子痫患者,与使用安慰剂相比,预防性给予硫酸镁可以使发生子痫的危险减半.但是这些试验中无证据表明,患有严重先兆子痫的孕妇使用硫酸镁和安慰剂,其胎儿在死产率或围产期死亡率方面有统计学差异.据报道,有1/4的孕妇会出现轻微的不良反应,主要是面部潮红. B12严重先兆子痫患者预防性使用地西泮:1个系统评价发现,无足够证据表明,在严重先兆子痫的孕妇中使用地西泮与不用抗惊厥药物治疗有差异.

    Release date:2016-09-07 02:27 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Decreased Expression of Osteopontin and Integrin ανβ3 in the Placenta of the Patients with Preeclampsia

    【摘要】目的探讨骨桥蛋白(OPN)及其受体整合素ανβ3在子痫前期(preeclampsia,PE)患者胎盘组织中的表达及其意义。方法2008年11月2009年9月,采用免疫组织化学方法检测20例PE患者(轻度及重度PE各10例)和14例正常足月孕妇(对照组)胎盘组织中OPN及ανβ3蛋白表达水平。采用RTPCR检测各组孕妇胎盘组织中的OPN、αν和β3的mRNA的表达水平。结果PE组孕妇胎盘组织中OPN及ανβ3蛋白表达低下,与对照组相比,差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05);重度PE组OPN及ανβ3蛋白表达水平更低,与轻度PE组比较,差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05)。PE组孕妇胎盘组织中OPN mRNA水平明显低于对照组,两组差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05);重度PE组OPN mRNA水平显著降低,与轻度PE组比较,两组差异有统计学意义(Plt;0.05);但αν和β3 mRNA的表达水平三组间比较差异无统计学意义。结论OPN及其受体整合素ανβ3在PE胎盘组织中的低表达可能在子痫前期的发病过程中起重要作用。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:31 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • Diagnostic Significance of Urinary Spot Protein:Creatinine Ratio in Eclampsia

    【摘要】 目的 评价尿蛋白与尿肌酐比值检测在子痫患者中的诊断意义。 方法 回顾分析 35例子痫患者的临床资料。患者年龄20~34岁,平均年龄(2681±639)岁;孕周22~34周,平均孕周(2902±419)周。平均血压(15620±1235 )mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0133 kPa)。均检测24 h尿蛋白及点时尿检测尿蛋白与尿肌酐比值,采用线形回归分析尿蛋白与尿肌酐比值与24 h尿蛋白结果相关性。结果 35例患者24 h尿蛋白水平(351±116) g/24 h,〖JP〗直线回归分析显示尿蛋白与尿肌酐比值与24 h尿蛋白水平呈正相关(R=0897,Plt;001)。结论 尿蛋白与尿肌酐比值可能是一个重要的用于子痫患者尿蛋白筛查的指标。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the diagnostic significance of urinary spot protein:creatinine ratio in Eclampsia.Method Thirtfive pregnant patients suffering from eclampsia with average age of (2681±639) years old were enrolled in this study.All patients were examined both urinary protein over 24 hours and urinary spot protein:creatinine ratio. The correlation between urinary protein over 24 hours to urinary spot protein:creatinine ratio with linear regression were analyzed. Result The rinary protein of 35 patients over 24 hours were (351±116) g/24 h,meanwhile the urinary spot protein:creatinine ratio were (0345±017) g/mmol. With linear regression, urinary spot protein:creatinine ratio had a positive correlation with the data of urinary protein over 24 hours (R=0897,Plt;001). Conclusion The spot protein:creatinine ratio is a reasonable test for detecting proteinuria in eclampsia pregnancy.

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:45 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 妊娠高血压并发HELLP综合征的护理

    目的 总结妊娠高血压并发溶血、肝酶升高及血小板减少综合征(HELLP)的发病率、临床特征及护理。 方法 分析2007年1月-2009年4月12例患HELLP综合征孕产妇资料。 结果 HELLP综合征发生率占重度子痫前期和子痫的8.33%(12/144),占同期住院分娩的0.15%(12/7 793)。91.67%(11/12)发生在产前。12例中引起产前子痫2例,眼底血管改变8例,视网膜出血3例,胎儿窘迫4例,胎盘早剥2例,子宫卒中1例,DIC 1例,严重腹水1例,妊高征心脏病1例,早期心衰1例,急性肾衰2例,脑出血1例,腹壁下血肿1例。经积极有效的治疗及精心的护理,无一例孕产妇及围产儿死亡。 结论 充分认识HELLP综合征的特殊临床表现,重视动态监测血常规、血小板、外周血涂片,肝肾功能,严密监护生命体征,准确记录尿量和尿色是早期发现妊娠高血压并发HELLP综合征的重要环节,有助于早诊断早治疗,加强病情观察,采取有效的护理措施,尽快终止妊娠,是改善母婴预后降低母婴病死率的关键。

    Release date:2016-09-08 09:47 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • 子痫前期患者麻醉管理新进展


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  • Association between 936C/T Polymorphism in VEGF Gene and Preeclampsia Risk: A Meta-Analysis

    ObjectiveTo systematically evaluate the association between 936C/T polymorphism in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene and the risk of preeclampsia (PE). MethodsSuch databases as PubMed, EMbase, The Cochrane Library (Issue 11, 2014), CBM, CNKI, VIP, and WanFang Data were searched up to November 2014, to collect case-control studies of the association between 936C/T polymorphism in VEGF gene and the risk of PE. Two reveiwers independently screened studies according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. And then, meta-analysis was conducted using RevMan 5.3 software. ResultsA total of nine case-control studies involving 904 PE patients and 1 113 controls were included. The results of meta-analysis showed that, significant association was found between VEGF gene 936C/T polymorphism and the risk of PE in the total analysis (T vs. C:OR=1.61, 95%CI 1.17 to 2.22, P=0.003; TT vs. CC:OR=2.65, 95%CI 1.37 to 5.11, P=0.004; CT vs. CC:OR=1.55, 95%CI 1.09 to 2.22, P=0.02; TT+CT vs. CC:OR=1.68, 95%CI 1.15 to 2.45, P=0.007; TT vs. CT+CC:OR=2.19, 95%CI 1.31 to 3.68, P=0.003). In the subgroup analysis, significant association of the polymorphism was found in Asians but not in Caucasians. ConclusionVEGF gene 936C/T polymorphism may be associated with PE risk in Asians. Due to limited quantity and quality of the included studies, the conclusion should be assessed in further studies.

    Release date:2016-10-02 04:54 Export PDF Favorites Scan
  • The level and clinical significance of serum soluble endoglin and soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase in patients with preeclampsia

    Objective To explore the levels and the clinical significance of serum soluble Endoglin (sEng) and soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase (sFlt-1) in patients with preeclampsia (PE). Methods Ninety-six patients with PE were included from June 2009 to June 2014. The patients were divided into mild PE group (n=54) and severe PE group (n=42), while 40 healthy pregnant women were in the control group. The general situation and laboratory testing were recorded and the serum levels of sEng and sFlt-1 were detected. All patients were routinely followed up with the recording of delivery and neonatal situation. Results The sEng and sFlt-1 levels were highest in the severe PE group [(7345.02±772.73) and (866.08±203.24) ng/L], which was followed by mild PE [(5 547.08±564.06) and (603.99±138.37) ng/L] and control group [(1 840.93±300.71) and (252.68±83.03) ng/L] (P<0.01). Levels of sEng were significantly correlated with sFlt-1 in both mild and severe PE groups. There were significantly correlations between sEng and sFlt-1 in mild or severe PE group respectively. The level of sEng and sFlt-1 was considerably positively correlated with mean arterial pressure, 24-hour urinary protein, serum creatinine, fibrinogen, umbilical artery shrink/diastole and resistance index value, but negatively correlated with prothrombin time, birth weight and the placenta weight (P<0.05). PE patients with sEng of <5 000 ng/L and sFlt-1 levels of <700 ng/L had the risk of severe complications of 6.8% and 14.0%; while patients with sEng of ≥5 000 ng/L and sFlt-1 of ≥700 ng/L had the ratio fo 40.4% and 37.0% respectively (P<0.01). Conclusion Serum levels of sEng and sFlt-1 in PE patients indicate that the severity of disease and outcomes of pregnancy.

    Release date:2017-07-21 03:43 Export PDF Favorites Scan
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